
Reason no. 79...

I found this poem I wrote last year: Thankfulness!

Open your eyes, look around!
Blessing upon blessing
abound in your life!
You're created, you're designed,
you're made with a purpose.
The King looks at you
and sees His perfect son.
You're forgiven, you're accepted,
you're adopted as His child.
He has made you His heir,
what a glorious inheritance awaits!
Your identity is in Him,
your old-self has been put to death.
Your sin is forgotten -
it is remembered no more.
 He has placed you here -
for such a time as this.
The Spirit lives in you -
what incredible power it has!
The King speaks hope and destiny -
directly into your life.
Promises spoken years ago
are now coming into fulfilment.
The King has not forgotten you,
He is ever so faithful to you.
He listens to every prayer
and answers it in His perfect way.
When you wake up in the morning -
let thankfulness arise!
He's sustains your every breath,
there's a roof over your head,
He provides food for your stomach,
there's clean water for use after use.
As you look in the mirror,
remind yourself of all that you are!
You are beautifully designed,
You are gifted and talented -
in your own unique way,
when He looks at you, He smiles!
As you look back through time -
count blessing after blessing.
He is so good, let thankfulness arise!

This is amazing as it reminds me of the journey God's taken me on from this poem to this blog! Reason no. 79 :)

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