
Reason no. 1384..

This week I was parked in a school's carpark and I found a tiny hedgehog curled up beneath another car. I then saw it cross the car park! Where hedgehogs are rather rare, it was exciting to see one! Reason no. 1384 :)

Reason no. 1383...

Thankful for weekends where me and David can start redecorating our lounge! The 2nd basecoat layer of paint is now complete! Reason no. 1383 :)


Reason no. 1382...

Thankful for a good time in America. Thankful for safe travels, time to see my sister and some great memories! It was amazing to see some impressive New York landscapes with so many sky scrapers side by side each other. I loved seeing so many scenes that are in films/ TV series too. An afternoon at Broadway watching Anastasia was absolutely brilliant - so much talent in one show! In the future I would love to explore even more of America. Reason no. 1382 :)