
Reason no. 700...

1 Peter 2:9-10

'But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.'

Thank you God that I stand chosen by you. Thank you that it wasn't by chance, but you knew exactly what you were doing when you placed me in your family. Thank you that I belong to You! I am Yours! Reason no. 700 :)


Reason no. 699...

Charles Spurgeon: 

'If the Spirit of God be in you, He will make you love the Word of God.'

Really encouraging! Reason no. 699 :)


Reason no. 698...

I'm grateful for the summer I have had so far! God has been good! It's been a time of rest, God provided me a job for over 3 weeks working with students from around the world (which I love) and then Newday was amazing for being reminded of just how amazing God is! It was incredible to see God save many many many people who said YES to living a life for Jesus, He healed many many many people, then seeing God bring individuals into greater freedom and seeing the Church stand together and worship Him! Absolutely wonderful! Reason no. 698 :)

Reason no. 697...

Today I'm grateful for the rain! It's been really hot for the past week or so, now it's a nice refreshing temperature! Reason no. 697 :)

Reason no. 696...

Today my boyfriend and best friend, David, is coming to Ashford for a few days! Reason no. 696 :)

Reason no. 695...

1 Samuel 2:30...

'I will honor those who honor me, but I will dishonor those who ignore me.'

That's an amazing promise! God help me to honor You in all that I do! Reason no. 695 :)


Reason no. 694...

Amazing truth in one of the lines from one of the Newday songs! 

'God is not constrained to clouds or temples, curtain torn in two, spirit breaking out.'

Reason no. 694 :)

Reason no. 693...

'If God is big enough to blame in your troubles, then He is also big enough for you to trust him in the midst of them too.' 

Phil Moore

Reason no. 693 :)

Reason no. 692...

I love how God has put me in a family that enjoy playing board games! It is definitely one thing I enjoy most about coming home! Reason no. 692 :)

Reason no. 691...

Yesterday I went to the chiropodist and I now have lovely smooth heels! It is definitely so much better than having really hard and cracked heels! Reason no. 691 :)


Reason no. 690...

The weather has been amazing this past week: so much sunshine and almost no rain - ideal weather for camping! Reason no. 690 :)

Reason no. 689...

This week I was reminded just how much I can trust God with my money. Everything in this world belongs to Him - it's all His. Everything I own, all the money I have is down to Him. He's provided me with so much because He is a generous God. He really is not a stingy God - His storehouses are full and they're overflowing! If I'm happy to trust God with my eternal salvation, I'm pretty sure I can trust Him with meeting my needs in the day to day too! Therefore I can be free to give it back to Him and not worry if my bank balance is decreasing as He will provide for my each and every need! What that will look like in the day to day, I'm not too sure yet! But He is my Provider and He is extremely generous! Reason no. 689 :)

Reason no. 688...

Yesterday I came back after a week at Newday (christian youth camp)! God is good, He's alive and loves spending time with His children. I went with my church in Manchester and it was incredible! Yesterday before we started packing up, I went for a walk around the camp site at 5:30 in the morning and God reminded me of what He has done this year! Last summer God told me to move churches, which was scary and I had no idea what lay ahead. But God was very good to me. He put me in a church where family is right at the heart of it, He's given me an amazing boyfriend (definitely not what I was expecting!) and He's given me the opportunity to get alongside some great young people! One of the talks in the 12-14s was all about to church and how we all have a role to play - each person's uniqueness makes up the church. This week God has shown me that there is value in being an introvert. It would be something that would really annoy me about myself, I would always see it as second best to being an extrovert, but God actually values that so much and can use my introvertedness in what God has called me to do! Reason no. 688 :)