
Reason no. 999...

On my bedroom wall there is a quote which  says: find what makes you happy in God and learn to make a discipline of it. Yesterday I was reminded actually there are certain people in my life who after spending time with I actually come away so encouraged in God, my faith levels rise and I am reminded of who God has called me to be. The whole thing of encouragement is huge. Words released have so much power. They have the potential to create and build up, yet they also have the power to tear down and destroy. God has put some incredible people around me and when they speak they release God's heart for me - even if done so indirectly!

I found this poem I wrote a few years ago, which fits just right!

Encouragement. Encouragement. Encouragement.
One act but a huge impact.
It's so easy to do, but so rarely ever done.
It can build a person up,
it can challenge their thinking,
it can transform an atmosphere.
The power it has, tells someone you care.
It can speak hope, it can speak destiny,
it can make a difference.
It may be a spoken, it may be written,
it may be a little gesture -
one smile can tell a thousand words.
Your words shape the world you live in.
To shape a culture, don't just conform,
rather counter with something far greater!
Imagine a world of encouragement...
joy, peace and acceptance -
is what could be on offer!
One step of encouragement results in
 a generation rising up and taking hold of:
who they are, their gifting and strengths.
Encouragement leads to boldness
and courage to step into destiny.

Reason no. 999 :)

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