Part of my revision is all about audiometry and a lot of it is rather eughhhhh, but some of it is equally rather amazing! So, I'm going to give you some amazing facts about the auditiory system that God designed us with!
- The pinna (that's the visible part of the ear) allows us to localize sounds. It modifies the sounds depending on the direction it comes from and equally the frequency the sound comes in at.
- There are 3 tiny bones in the ear (malleus, incus and stapes) - without them or without the movement of them we would not be able to hear. The fact that they're so small, yet have such a crucial function in our everyday life is incredible.
- There's something called impedance matching - this is equally rather amazing. The fact that part of the process involves the sound having to travel from air into fluid should cause a lot of problems. In normal situations most of the sound when reaching a fluid should reflect back, but in the ear it doesn't! Why? Because of changes in area results in changes in pressure - means that the sound passes through! (All a bit too science-y!!)
- One thing that I love is the fact that each part of the cochlea responds to different frequencies - it's just soooo clever how it's been designed!
Anyway, the ear makes me go wow! It's so small, but for so many of us it impacts so much of how we live our lives. Reason no. 115 :)
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