Just because of who God is...! Last year I wrote this A-Z poem of God http://beautywordsgod.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/this-is-god-z.html:
Words: too few to describe, express and convey
The Awesome, Almighty, Able God.
He’s Alive, He’s Awake, He’s Above everything.
Because of Jesus my sins are Atoned for.
Abba. It’s just one word, but we learn so much
The father’s heart and holiness in one.
How huge are our expectations in God?
He is Big, yet so much bigger than Big!
He blesses bountifully beyond measure,
He has broken and smashed down every boundary,
Limitations are no more under His Banner!
Why? For one reason alone: He is God.
When we look to our Saviour what do we see?
Just a meek and mild, comforting friend?
Or rather, the undefeated Champion,
Who’s fully conquered darkness, sin and death?
His compassion, His care - they never cease,
They are everlasting – that’s who He is.
We can trust that He’ll never fail us,
He’ll deliver us through all circumstances,
He’ll defend us in our weaknesses,
We can depend on Him – He’ll not let us down,
Through His death: my debt is cancelled,
What an awesome, perfect God we have!
One word is insufficient to describe Him,
For He, the King of Kings, is everlasting.
Eternity is all within His hands –
The beginning, the middle and the end!
Extravagance is an understatement,
His love, joy and grace are all overflowing.
The King’s abundance is mine to access,
I am adopted into His family.
I can call Him friend, I can call Him father.
He’s forever faithful and forever good,
He fully rejoices over me,
This is God: what an incredible privilege!
As I look to Him what do I see?
Goodness: unlimited and unmerited,
Grace: so extravagant and undeserved,
Generosity: He gives abundantly,
Glory: He’s the source of honour and praise.
What a joy to be chosen by Him.
My awesome God, where do I continue?
He is so Holy and so perfect,
He is never-ending Hope to the hopeless,
Healer: He can heal all sickness and disease,
His name is higher than any other,
Yet Jesus befriended the sinners like me.
What do we discover as we look at Him?
Immeasurable kindness, goodness, love,
He is interceding for you and me,
His imagination is limitless,
Incomparable – no other like Him!
Hearing all this, what will your response be?
No act, no song will ever be sufficient!
He is the God of perfect justice.
He is the Judge who will pass the sentence.
Justification is mine for the taking,
Because of my Sin-offering: Jesus.
He deserves more than I could ever give.
When you hear the word ‘God’, what do you think?
Open the bible and see the King of Kings.
He’s the reigning, ruling, conquering King.
He’s the King Eternal, the King of Glory.
He’s the King of you and the King of me.
If that’s who He is, what will your response be?
As we press into Him, ever deeper we’ll go,
Look at His limitless love – how far, how wide?
In His light all darkness disappears.
As we trust in Him, He’ll lead us on.
He is the Lord, the Lion and the Lamb,
Every step we take is planned out by Him.
For who He is goes on and on and on,
The mighty, merciful, Master God
He is Maker throughout all of history,
Jesus the Messiah, son of the Most-High,
who mediates between us and our God.
Because of Him we stand justified.
He has the name above all other names,
God: never- changing, never-failing,
He’s never-sleeping, never-ending,
Nothing comes as a surprise to Him.
Forever He will be the God all-knowing.
At the beginning of time he was the First,
Fast forward in time and He’s the Omega,
Jesus: One with the Father and Spirit –
There’s unity in the One and only God,
There is no-other who can be compared.
He stands alone above everything else.
Through the stresses, trials, conflicts and wars,
He remains the ruling Prince of peace.
His Peace transcends all understanding.
We can depend on Him to provide,
And we know that He is the Great High Priest,
Who has made the greatest sacrifice.
Words are insufficient – God is so big!
The Sun of Righteousness rules, reigns and redeems,
He is a Refuge in times of trouble,
The Rock unshakeable – never changing,
He is the Resurrection and the Life.
This is our God who’s fully conquered death.
Through history Jesus was rejected by men,
despite being the Saviour who sanctifies.
He’s the Son of man who has suffered,
The stone the builders tossed to the side.
Yet, He remains the Shepherd, Shield and Strength.
Just look at all God has on offer for us!
Because of Him prophecies are fulfilled,
We see that He’s a first-class teacher,
He is the Truth as is every word He speaks,
When tested and trialled He remained true,
This is Jesus – part of the Trinity,
Father, Spirit, Son – yet all make up one.
Our God lacks absolutely nothing,
His understanding no one can fathom,
Undeserving is exactly what I am,
Yet I stand secure under His banner.
The everlasting King remains unchanging,
What was true yesterday is still true today!
We can rejoice because of all He’s done,
In Him we stand alive and victorious,
Because of the victory he has won.
How vast the triumph? How vast the defeat?
Very unimaginably huge!
He is the Champion of all time!
He is wonderful, so worthy of our praise,
For He is the Way, the Truth and the Life,
With God what an adventure lies ahead!
He has wisdom indescribable -
He has the solution to every problem!
As we worship where do we begin?
‘Who You are is huge, extreme, outrageous,
Not just You but everything You do -
Your love, Your grace, Your goodness and faithfulness,
You do all things in limitless abundance!’
So worthy, is our indescribable God!
Reason no. 8 :)
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