
Reason no. 25...

Today I've been trying to get through some of my Psychology notes...it's been slow, but some of it has been interesting! Part of my reading was all about memories! As I read about it - it's truly amazing to think that our brains have such an incredible ability to remember sooooo much. From objects, to words, to people, to experiences - the list is endless. To think that so much is stored with our tiny little brains that could be held in our hands - how fascinating! What an awesome design feature for God's creation! Reason no. 25 :)

Reason. no. 24...

I wrote this poem last year: http://beautywordsgod.blogspot.co.uk/2013_02_01_archive.html Buuuut, the amazing thing is: it still remains true today!
Victorious. Triumphant. Conquering.
You have defeated darkness, sin and death.
In You, I am raised up and strengthened,
I am equipped against the enemy.
The armour of God is mine for the taking:
truth, righteousness, faith,
the gospel of peace and salvation.
On the side of the undefeated Champion,
How could I ever lose?
You are greater. You are stronger.
No-one compares to You.
Even in the depths of the valleys,
Never have I been abandoned,
Every step taken, You are by my side.
Struggles, disappointments, hard times,
Through it all, I'll cling to You,
For You are faithful and the rock unshakeable,
You are a solid foundation,
Whom I can trust at all times,
You are the God who never changes,
Who sees me through all circumstances.
Because of You, I'll claim the victory!
Reason no. 24 :)


Reason no. 23...

The bible most certainly has to be a reason! In Hebrews 4:12, it says:

'For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.'

The bible has power! It's the Word of God and that means it's not merely words on a page, but the very words spoken by God that are still relevant today! This past week I've started looking at the book of 1 Samuel again and just reading about the ark of God is fascinating! To think that the presence of God dwelled in there and the incredible power that it contained is mind blowing. When people touched the ark they died. Yet, now, I can now draw near to God and the Spirit of God now lives in me. When Jesus died a shifting took place! My access to God has been totally transformed. I no longer stand as someone condemned and unclean, rather someone 'IN CHRIST' meaning I'm righteous and justified and pure! Reason no. 23 :)

Reason no. 22...

One awesome day with my family! I finally made it to London. I was meant to head over there on Monday, but due to the storm my trains got suspended/ cancelled etc. It was the first time since moving to Manchester that I saw them, plus it was just after my birthday - so that meant PRESENTS! We went out for a meal, headed over to Covent Gardens and wondered around Hyde Park - it was lovely! And, the weather stayed dry too - added bonus! One of the funniest things to watch today was: a squirrel sneaking up behind a girl and climbing up her leg...it didn't just happen to one girl, but another girl too! So, if you're going to Hyde Park: beware of the squirrels!! One lovely day = reason no. 22 :)


Reason no. 21...

God's timing is great! Just as I begin thinking about whether or not it's a good idea to go out with a few friends on Halloween - I read the article below. In my uncertainty God speaks and provides the perfect peace. It's so interesting being surrounded by an entirely new bunch of people as it definitely makes you think about why you do, or rather in this case, don't do certain things! Being challenged about beliefs is a good thing...even if at the time we really dislike it! Reason no. 21 :)



Reason no. 20...

The lyrics of this song, sum it up pretty well! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38EVco7eba0
This most certainly is another reason! To stand forgiven, debt free with not a single accusation stand against me is overwhelmingly amazing!!! The extent that God went to so that I could stand justified before Him is beyond understanding. The fact that He valued me enough to allow His son take a punishment that He did not deserve - I will never grasp.  As I think about the position I stood in before and compare it to where I now stand...the what-would-have-been-deemed-impossible happened! Not because of anything I did, but all because of JESUS!! Reason no. 20 :)

Reason no.19...

'God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.'
John piper
I love this! This is one of the key things I'll take away from my Impact year. The way God is most glorified, or most worshiped in my life, is ultimately by me enjoying and being happy in God. It is not through me seeing worship to God as a duty or something I strive to do...no, no, no!!! The example Andrew Wilson gave in a talk was about going on a date with his wife. Does he glorify her  more by saying: 'I want to, there's nothing I'd rather do' or 'it's my duty, so don't mention it!'? It can be so easy to allow worship to become part of a routine or part of another meeting. But, that's not what God wants from us. God would much rather we truly know what it means to find our joy and our satisfaction in Him! I love that, that's what God wants from me...Reason no. 19 :)

Reason no. 18...

At the moment I'm learning all about speech - not surprising, since I'm doing a degree in Speech and Language Therapy!! It's so fascinating, just thinking about how we're able to produce so many sounds through changing the shape of our mouth, the position of our lips and tongue etc. The fact that we've joint these sounds together to produce meaningful sounds - meaning words, is incredible! The amount of words we can produce is indefinite. Reason no. 18 :)

Reason no. 17...

Being surrounded by so many cultures and people from different countries is such an amazing experience! After listening to people talk about mission on Sunday, I started thinking about this year and how amazing it was to have the opportunity to go to Bulgaria and Romania - with 2 awesome groups of people. It can be so easy to forget all that happened, all that I saw and all that God spoke to me about. Anyway, as I look back I'm so grateful for all the amazing experiences I had and the people I got to share them with.

Here's a video from my time in Romania, produced by Eddie:

Reason no. 17 :)

Reason no.16...

I've made it through to Reading Week and am still smiling! These past few weeks have been great! It's been awesome seeing God be faithful in sooooo many ways. Embarking on so many new things in one go has definitely been an adventure: new course, new city, new people and new church!! I can definitely say it is most certainly where God's called me to be! It's been a season where God's taught me what it means to lean on Him and not depend on my own strength. Assignments have been set and the work seems to be never ending! If I went back 2 or 3 years I would have probably responded entirely different to the situation I'm in now. Before, I would have been totally consumed and overwhelmed by the quantity - I would have been stressed and possibly depressed! Over the last year God's built the foundations for this year. He's constantly reminding me each day that my time in Manchester is so much more than the course I'm on - but it extends to everything else, including investing time with different people. Thank you God! Reason no. 16 :)


Reason no. 15...

My Impact year definitely is a reason! I love how God opened up the opportunity and provided amazingly throughout - from week to week, but for 2 mission trips too! God led me to Horsham and taught me so much. He laid a foundation, which I know most certainly has helped me being in Manchester. I met some awesome people, who were soooo passionate about God. I love how this weekend their God inspired vision for 2 meetings has now happened and just seeing the church keep moving with all that God has for them. Reason no. 15 :)

Reason no. 14...

I have finally decided on a new church: Vinelife!! The community and the vision are awesome! From my first week of being there, they have been incredible at being so hospitable and welcoming. Through the student lunches they've provided each week - it's been great for meeting new people. I love how they're passionate about us knowing our identity in Christ and seeing God's Kingdom break out! Reason no. 14 :)


Reason no. 13...

Creativity is something I absolutely love! I love seeing other people express it in their own unique way too. It's conveyed in soooo many ways - through music, dance, drama, cooking, writing, art etc. For me, I love words, I love experimenting with colour and beauty and just seeing things come together. It's the overflow of the heart and it is something God has gifted EVERYONE with - not just some! The bible talks about us being made in the image of God and as you flick through the pages of the bible, time after time God displays creativity!! Reason no. 13 :)

Reason no. 12...

Time after time I mess up - things slip out of my mouth that I wish I could take back, I'll do something or think something and as I look back I wonder what I was doing! But, God's sooooo good! He's faithful, so loving and forgiving! In 1 John 1:9, it says:

" If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
What an amazing truth! The fact that God who sets the perfect standard chooses to forgive me for every wrong thing I've done is simply incredible! The fact that this stands true about me is so exciting:
 "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
Romans 8:1
This most certainly is another reason to praise God! Reason no. 12 :)

Reason no.11...

"He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..."
Ephesians 3:20
God is good! He continually amazes me with who He is and all that He does. He's an expectation exceeding God, who loves going beyond my needs, desires and dreams. When I eventually decide to lay down the things weighing me down - God steps in and brings a breakthrough. He's the God who loves giving good gifts to His children and He's the one who has the ability to do endless possibilities - for nothing is impossible for Him!  Reason no. 11 :)


Reason no. 10...

3 prayers answered today...but I'll just blog the one! From what has been quite a stressful and tiring day, God has been so good to me! From a tutorial I was dreading, God turned it around and it ended up being really encouraging. The past couple of weeks had been challenging in this specific tutorial and topics that were not so straight forward. But this week the topic was something I'm good at! This made it a pleasant hour to break up my not so pleasant day! Plus, from having recently been bombarded with so much new information, something familiar once in a while is such a relief!! (The 2 other answers to prayer are awesome too!!) God broke through - yet again!!

The lyrics of these songs are fantastic!



Reason no. 10 :)

Reason no. 9...

Words have so much power. They shape the environment we live in. Yesterday I was with a group of people where the evening was spent writing encouraging things to one another. We had a sheet of A4 paper stuck on our backs and by the end of the evening it was full of encouragements. It was great - even if I had only just met most of the group! Encouraging words build a person up and shape them into the person God's called them to be. As I look back on the words written, it reminds me that who I am is just as God created me to be! Reason no. 9 :)


Reason no. 8...

Just because of who God is...! Last year I wrote this A-Z poem of God http://beautywordsgod.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/this-is-god-z.html:

Words: too few to describe, express and convey
The Awesome, Almighty, Able God.
He’s Alive, He’s Awake, He’s Above everything.
Because of Jesus my sins are Atoned for.
Abba. It’s just one word, but we learn so much
The father’s heart and holiness in one.

How huge are our expectations in God?
He is Big, yet so much bigger than Big!
He blesses bountifully beyond measure,
He has broken and smashed down every boundary,
Limitations are no more under His Banner!
Why? For one reason alone: He is God.
When we look to our Saviour what do we see?
Just a meek and mild, comforting friend?
Or rather, the undefeated Champion,
Who’s fully conquered darkness, sin and death?
His compassion, His care - they never cease,
They are everlasting – that’s who He is. 
We can trust that He’ll never fail us,
He’ll deliver us through all circumstances,
He’ll defend us in our weaknesses,
We can depend on Him – He’ll not let us down,
Through His death: my debt is cancelled,
What an awesome, perfect God we have!
One word is insufficient to describe Him,
For He, the King of Kings, is everlasting.
Eternity is all within His hands –
The beginning, the middle and the end!
Extravagance is an understatement,
His love, joy and grace are all overflowing.
The King’s abundance is mine to access,
I am adopted into His family.
I can call Him friend, I can call Him father.
He’s forever faithful and forever good,
He fully rejoices over me,
This is God: what an incredible privilege! 
As I look to Him what do I see?
Goodness:  unlimited and unmerited,
Grace: so extravagant and undeserved,
Generosity: He gives abundantly,
Glory: He’s the source of honour and praise.
What a joy to be chosen by Him.

My awesome God, where do I continue?
He is so Holy and so perfect,
He is never-ending Hope to the hopeless,
Healer: He can heal all sickness and disease,
His name is higher than any other,
Yet Jesus befriended the sinners like me.
What do we discover as we look at Him?
Immeasurable kindness, goodness, love,
He is interceding for you and me,
His imagination is limitless,
Incomparable – no other like Him!
Hearing all this, what will your response be?
No act, no song will ever be sufficient!
He is the God of perfect justice.
He is the Judge who will pass the sentence.
Justification is mine for the taking,
Because of my Sin-offering: Jesus.
He deserves more than I could ever give.

When you hear the word ‘God’, what do you think?
Open the bible and see the King of Kings.
He’s the reigning, ruling, conquering King.
He’s the King Eternal, the King of Glory.
He’s the King of you and the King of me.
If that’s who He is, what will your response be?
As we press into Him, ever deeper we’ll go,
Look at His limitless love – how far, how wide?
In His light all darkness disappears.
As we trust in Him, He’ll lead us on.
He is the Lord, the Lion and the Lamb,
Every step we take is planned out by Him.
For who He is goes on and on and on,
The mighty, merciful, Master God
He is Maker throughout all of history,
Jesus the Messiah, son of the Most-High,
who mediates between us and our God.
Because of Him we stand justified.
 Eternity is held in His hands,
He has the name above all other names,
God: never- changing, never-failing,
He’s never-sleeping, never-ending,
Nothing comes as a surprise to Him.
Forever He will be the God all-knowing.
At the beginning of time he was the First,
Fast forward in time and He’s the Omega,
Jesus: One with the Father and Spirit –
There’s unity in the One and only God,
There is no-other who can be compared.
He stands alone above everything else. 
Through the stresses, trials, conflicts and wars,
He remains the ruling Prince of peace.
His Peace transcends all understanding.
We can depend on Him to provide,
And we know that He is the Great High Priest,
Who has made the greatest sacrifice.

Words are insufficient – God is so big!
The Sun of Righteousness rules, reigns and redeems,
He is a Refuge in times of trouble,
The Rock unshakeable – never changing,
He is the Resurrection and the Life.
This is our God who’s fully conquered death.
Through history Jesus was rejected by men,
despite being the Saviour who sanctifies.
He’s the Son of man who has suffered,
The stone the builders tossed to the side.
Yet, He remains the Shepherd, Shield and Strength.
Just look at all God has on offer for us!
Because of Him prophecies are fulfilled,
We see that He’s a first-class teacher,
He is the Truth as is every word He speaks,
When tested and trialled He remained true,
This is Jesus – part of the Trinity,
Father, Spirit, Son – yet all make up one. 
Our God lacks absolutely nothing,
His understanding no one can fathom,
Undeserving is exactly what I am,
Yet I stand secure under His banner.
The everlasting King remains unchanging,
What was true yesterday is still true today!

We can rejoice because of all He’s done,
In Him we stand alive and victorious,
Because of the victory he has won.
How vast the triumph? How vast the defeat?
Very unimaginably huge!
He is the Champion of all time!
 Incredible: this God is on our side!
He is wonderful, so worthy of our praise,
For He is the Way, the Truth and the Life,
With God what an adventure lies ahead!
He has wisdom indescribable -
He has the solution to every problem!
As we worship where do we begin?
‘Who You are is huge, extreme, outrageous,
Not just You but everything You do -
Your love, Your grace, Your goodness and faithfulness,
You do all things in limitless abundance!’
So worthy, is our indescribable God!
Reason no. 8 :)

Reason no. 7...

Today I received a lovely little package in the post...it was full of sweets and chocolate! Yum yum yummmm! A random act of kindness like this simply makes me smile! Not only is it something I love to eat, but just having post brightens up my day!!  The thought behind the package is so sweeeet - what a blessing! Reason no. 7 :)


Reason no. 6...

There's a line in the song 'Cornerstone' by Hillsong, which I love: 'In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.' My place with God is totally secure - it cannot be shaken. Through Christ's death the veil was torn away. That veil is where only the holy of holies could enter - meaning the likes of you and me could not get anywhere close. Each year only the high priest could enter on one occasion. Even then, he had to bring a sacrifice. What was behind the veil? The presence of God! Through Christ's death we can now come before God and enter into His presence. We don't have to bring a sacrifice. Christ's death is sufficient for all sin - past, present and future. So even today I have total access to God! In fact, Christ's spirit lives in me!
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.
Hebrews 6:19-20


Reason no. 6 :)


Reason no. 5...

I'm so blessed with where I live. Some people dislike it, but I love it. The location is great! It's alongside the main university road, so just a simple 5 minute walk from half my lectures. 2 minutes down the road and there's a lovely park which currently has art scattering the trees, i.e. there's a bunch of colourful umbrellas hanging from the branches. I've made some awesome friends - all within a 2 minute radius of the flat I'm in! As I look out my bedroom window there's a patch of grass and shaded by trees! It's really peaceful - considering it's a city and student accommodation. Reason no. 5 :)

Reason no. 4...

God is faithful to His promises - promises spoken throughout all of history and prophetic words spoken in the last few years! God does not let His words fall to the ground. When studying becomes tough and I start to wonder what I've let myself in for (for the next 4 years!)...God's word stands true. Back in 2008, God knew exactly where I'd end up! He knew that I'd be embarking on a course that merges the medical and teaching arena and be on a course that would involve having grants being given to me!! I'm here now and it's exactly God's called me to be! God's in control of time and He's faithful to His promises! Reason no. 4 :)


Reason no. 3...

'The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” '
Romans 8:15 
What an amazing truth! My status has been upgraded. I now stand as a daughter of the King. The act of adoption is all about choice. My default position was not of this nature, rather something of separation. When you picture the 'ideal' father and child relationship: there is a closeness and openness between the two. The father listens and speaks, the father finds joy, the father guides, the father teaches and the father gives good gifts to the child. When I come before God, this is my status before Him. There is no striving to grab His attention, for His focus is already on me. I no longer live in fear, for the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in me. That Spirit is what marks my adoption. Me: not a slave of the living God, rather His daughter! Reason no. 3 :)


Reason no. 2...

'Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.'
Lamentations 3:22-23
His love, His compassion, His faithfulness - they never run dry...on and on they go. Every morning these truths remain - what an amazing way to start the day! Reason no. 2 :)


Reason no. 1...

 A new season: a fresh start. Just over 3 weeks ago I moved to Manchester and to say I'm enjoying it would be an understatement. The workload may be intense and the assignments are beginning to be set, but the overriding theme of the time has just been story after story of God's goodness! I've been so blessed by the people God has put around me - I've made some awesome friends and one even lives in the same flat as me! The course has been so interesting - from having panicked about whether I was about to embark on the right course, I now love regurgitating little facts I've learnt each day! From worrying that work would totally consume me, God's provided the capacity to do extra things outside the world of studying. God's goodness yet again continues to astound me!! Reason no. 1 :)


Based on a song called '10,000 reasons' by Matt Redman, I've decided to start a new blog! There's a line in the song, which I absolutely love: 'For all Your goodness I will keep on singing, 10000 reasons for my heart to find.' What does this line mean? It means that God's goodness is so abundant and extravagant that as I open my eyes I begin to see God's goodness overflowing into every facet of life. It's exciting! God's goodness it limitless - in fact, there's far more than 10,000 reasons to praise Him! As I reflect on the goodness of God, my perspective of whatever challenges I may be facing shifts. Rather than dwelling on the stresses, struggles and challenges, when I put God as the central point of my attention, everything else takes its rightful place. So, in this new blog I simply want to use it to write about stories of God's goodness and use it to reflect on the God who is the same: yesterday, today and forevermore! Enjoy :)