
Reason no. 1348...

Thank you God that I do not need to perform as Jesus has already successfully performed on my behalf! Reason no. 1348 :)

Reason no. 1347...

Thankful for having a lovely home to live in, in a great location. I love having a little cafĂ© round the corner that does amazing cooked breakfasts!  Reason no. 1347 :)

Reason no. 1346...

Thank you Father that You are the Rock who is a firm foundation, what was true about You yesterday remains true today. Reason no. 1346 :)


Reason no. 1345...

Thankful for finding a lovely sofa in a sale yesterday ready for our home in a few weeks time! He is Our great provider! Reason no. 1345 :)

Reason no. 1344...

It is Good Friday!
Here is a video that reminds us what it is all about: 'You need not say goodbye'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwdeGv9hK4E&feature=youtu.be Thank you God that our 'goodbye is not to Jesus', but it is goodbye to fear, goodbye shame, goodbye guilt, goodbye condemnation, goodbye chains, goodbye darkness! Reason no. 1344 :)

Reason no. 1343...

Thankful for having a week off at home! Time to relax, time to read, time to watch TV and time to catch up with friends. Thank you God that rest is something You value and something You modelled to us too! Reason no. 1343 :)

Reason no. 1342...

Thank you God that You are the One who is bigger! You are bigger than me, bigger than my fears, bigger than my successes, bigger than my day! You are the BIG God! Reason no. 1342 :)


Reason no. 1341...

Thank you God for putting me exactly where I am right now. It may not be the easiest or the place that makes me happiest, but it is the place You have positioned me. It is a place where You are strengthening my foundation and establishing my root system in You. It is a place where I am learning to trust You more. I know that this is a season and that You are growing something beautiful through it all. I will learn to trust You and know that I can only see a tiny glimpse of the big picture that You see. Through the highs and lows You remain good! Reason no. 1341 :)

Reason no. 1340...

Thankful for answers to prayer. Thankful for exchange happening with my granddad's house! That means my family now have a moving date! It also means that me and David get a home for ourselves very soon! Reason no. 1340 :)


Reason no. 1339...

Thank you Jesus that You died for me. Your love for me is so rich and pure. You died so that I could be part of Your family and know my Father. You died so that I could know true freedom and defeat the hold of sin in my life. You are good to me. Reason no. 1339 :)

Reason no. 1338...

Thank you God that Your ability to fix things is far greater than my ability to mess things up. You are God and You hold all things together. You are the One who can turn situations around. Reason no. 1338 :)

Reason no. 1337...

Thankful for friends. I am so excited to spend the day with my old housemate today! Reason no. 1337 :)

Reason no. 1336...

Thank you God that You love me so extravagantly. Thank you God that You place such high value on my life. Reason no. 1336 :)


Reason no. 1335...

Thank you God that You are the One who strengthens me.
Reason no. 1335 :)

Reason no. 1334...

Thank you God for putting people around me at work who are so helpful and help me when I get stuck and have no idea what to do! Reason no. 1334 :)

Reason no. 1333...

Thankful for a lovely walk with church family. Thankful for God's provision of an old school to use and to be able to gather there and eat cake! Reason no. 1333 :)

Reason no. 1332...

Thankful for God's provision. I love hearing stories of how God has met people's needs and how He has blessed people abundantly. He is a generous God! Reason no. 1332 :)

Reason no. 1331...

Thankful for the British weather and how much variety we get! I love how this year we had snow!
Reason no. 1331 :)


Reason no. 1330...

So proud of David for completing his shadowing placement for his social work degree. Thankful that through this placement God was speaking and guiding him. So thankful for the work of social workers in our society and how they can bring justice, care and restoration into really tough situations. God loves his children and the vulnerable in our society. Reason no. 1330 :)

Reason no. 1329...

Thankful for the goodness, gentleness and peace of God. Thankful that in the midst of hardships who You are does not change. You are a strong unchanging foundation. Help me God to stand on You through everything that I face. Reason no. 1329 :)

Reason no. 1328...

I am thankful for the 'Freedom in Christ' course. Thankful for the truth packed in the course and that God is a God who brings freedom to His people. Reason no. 1328 :)