
Reason no. 1230...

Thank you God that You are with me in every moment. Thank you God that You are cheering me on every day and that You never stop loving me! Reason no. 1230 :)

Reason no. 1229...

Thankful that Esther is having such a good time abroad! I love hearing about all her adventures! Reason no. 1229 :)

Reason no. 1228...

Thankful for having a few days off after today! David and I are off to stay in a treehouse for a few days! So excited! :) Reason no. 1228 :)


Reason no. 1227...

'Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks within himself, so he is…” In other words, we need to proactively manage our thoughts because they will become manifestations in our lives.'
Kris Vallotten

Reason no. 1227 :)

Reason no. 1226...

Thank you God that You never fail, You don't know how! Reason no. 1226 :)

Reason no. 1225...

Thank you God that You are my victory. Thank you God that You have called me to be an overcomer and someone who sees breakthrough. Reason no. 1225 :)

Reason no. 1224...

I am thankful for being back in Ashford. I love being able to walk into town and as I walk through see different people that I know. I love that Ashford is that bit smaller than Manchester and less busy and squished down the high street. Reason no. 1224 :)


Reason no. 1223...

Thank you God that You are forever providing. Thank you for this job and the money that comes with it. Thank you God that it provides enough to live off and enjoy life and enable David to be a student too! Reason no. 1223 :)

Reason no. 1222...

Thankful for being able to come home and have other people cook for me at the moment. It makes a huge difference whilst settling into work! Reason no. 1222 :)


Reason no. 1221...

Thank you God that You are my banner and that means that You are my security and my victory! Reason no. 1221 :)

Reason no. 1220...

Thankful for a lovely couple from our new church inviting us over for food yesterday. It was a lovely answer to prayer in helping us know whether we were going to the right church! Reason no. 1220 :)

Reason no. 1219...

Thankful for prayers being answered and that improvements were seen in my uncles health today after going through a series of big health issues. Reason no. 1219 :)

Reason no. 1218...

Thankful for a job that I get to have so much variety and get to meet so many different people. Reason no. 1218 :)

Reason no. 1217...

Today at church 2 youth got baptised. Thankful for God's heart for His children and how He breaks in and turns situations around. Thankful that God turns fear, hopelessness and disappointment around. Reason no. 1217 :)