
Reason no. 1107...

'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.'
Isaiah 6:3

Holiness speaks of greatness, perfection and worth. God's holiness is incomparable and matchless. He is set apart from all things, in terms of His greatness. His glory is essentially the public display of His holiness for all to see.

When God saves us, redeems us and restores us it is all for His glory. It points to His greatness. It points to His outrageous love, grace and kindness. He is the holy and glorious God.

(John Piper gives a great definition of the difference between holiness and glory http://www.desiringgod.org/interviews/what-is-god-s-glory .)

Reason no. 1107 :)

Reason no. 1106...

Thankful for good friends! These past 4 years have been a time of building some great friendships! Reason no. 1106 :)


Reason no. 1105...

Let me grab the promised hope with both hands and never let it go. It's an unbreakable spiritual lifeline, reaching right to the very presence of God where Jesus has taken up his permanent post as high priest for us. It is an anchor for my soul, both firm and secure. Reason no. 1105 :)

Reason no. 1104...

Thank you God for the rain in the heat of the summer, cooling the temperature and bringing life to dried plants and land. Reason no. 1104 :)


Reason no. 1103...

He rules and He reigns over every city and every nation.
He is victorious, triumphant and undefeated.
He has no rival and He is  completely unshakeable.
He is ruling with peace, love and freedom.
In the midst of the darkness His light is breaking in.
He is the father to the orphan  and the comforter to the lost.
He is the stronghold and refuge in midst of the chaos.
He is the anchor for the soul in the middle of the storm.
He is the shepherd to the sheep when the lions are there.
He is protecting, defending and saving His people.
He is the One who is the lover of His children.
He is God, the mighty King of Kings.

Reason no. 1103 :)

Reason no. 1102...

Thank you God that You are a life and joy giving God.
Reason no. 1102 :)

Reason no. 1101...

Thank you God that You stand through time. Thank you God that You are the One who knows all of our days. Thank you God that nothing escapes Your attention. Reason no. 1101 :)


Reason no. 1100...

Thankful for time to rest after a very demanding final semester at uni. Thankful to have completed my final exam after 4 years of studying. Thankful for my husband, family and friends who kept encouraging me - prayers and bible verses were certainly needed!Thankful to God for fulfilling the promises He spoke to me back in 2008. Reason no. 1100 :)

Reason no. 1099...

Today we had an anonymous gift of money! A huge blessing and timely provision! He is so good to us and looks after us so well. Thank you God and thank you whoever blessed us with the money :) Reason no. 1099 :)

Reason no. 1098...

This week David and I got our first car together! Thank you God for Your provision. It is nice and small, perfect for he job I will start in August! Reason no. 1098 :)

Reason no. 1097...

Thank you God for the beautiful weather and sunshine!
Reason no. 1097 :)


Reason no. 1096...

Thank you God for Your protection and Your safety.
Reason no. 1096 :)

Reason no. 1095...

Thank you God for giving me such an encouraging husband and family who kept declaring Your truth over me whilst I was struggling lots with all the exam preparations. Reason no. 1095 :)

Reason no. 1094...

Yesterday I had my last ever uni exam! I am finished!!!!!!!! Still hasn't really sunk in though. Thank you God for getting me over the finish line. You finished what You started! Reason no. 1094 :)

Reason no.1093...

Thank you God that You love Manchester. Will You fill it with Your peace and Your Hope and break off fear in this city. Thank you God for the wonderful emergency services that have people who go above and beyond in the midst of crisis. Thank you God for the amazing unity within the churches in Manchester who are standing as one and praying to You. God will You turn sorrow into joy and fear into peace. I pray that You will protect this city and these people. You are strength, You are love, You are peace, You are kind and You are good. Reason no. 1093 :)


Reason no. 1092...

Thank you God that You are life, You are strength and You are joy! Reason no. 1092 :)

Reason no. 1091...

Thank you God that You have got me this far through my degree, You will get me through the final hurdle. I pray that deadlines will be met, I will pass and as I write You will inspire what I read and what I write. Reason no. 1091 :)

Reason no. 1090...

Thankful for the new mayor in Manchester, someone who values seeing homelessness end and supporting the NHS. Reason no. 1090 :)

Reason no. 1089...

Thankful for beautiful weather yesterday and being able to sit outside in the lovely sunshine. Reason no. 1089 :)


Reason no. 1088...

I am thankful for having a bus pass this year. Having the freedom to travel across Manchester so easily is such a blessing! Living close to a bus stop is so good too. Reason no. 1088 :)

Reason no. 1087...

Yesterday David, a friend and I played risk! I love games evenings at home. Thankful for evenings like yesterday :) Reason no. 1087 :)

Reason no. 1086...

Thank you God for generous friends who look after me so well - cooking for me and taking me out for food. Reason no. 1086 :)

Reason no. 1085...

In less than a month I will have finished my degree! God, You have been so good to me! You have provided so well - rent every year, money for every bill, a holiday to Paris with friends, incredible housemates in 2nd and 3rd year, amazing friends and coursemates throughout my time at uni, a wonderful husband, a job lined up for when I finish, plus so much more! Thank you God! Reason no. 1085 :)

Reason no. 1084...

Next week I get to spend the weekend with my sister in Birmingham! She is really great - creative, fun, beautiful and passionate about Jesus! Reason no. 1084 :)

Reason no. 1083...

Thank you God that Your love for me is so HUGE! It is more than I know and more than I deserve. Thank you God that Your love is constant and forever faithful. Thank you God that You place worth over my life. Thank you God that You leave the 99 to come after me. Thank you God that You pursue me! Reason no. 1083 :)

Reason no. 1082...

I am so thankful for passing and getting through placement! Thank you God that it was a placement that was so supportive, encouraging and helpful. It was exactly what I needed when entering something completely new for my final placement. Thank you God that You know best! Thank you for giving me clinical educators that let me know that I would be a good therapist! Reason no. 1082 :)