Reason no. 932...
Thank you God that despite having a headache and sore throat with the weather being so cold, dark and wet - You are so good! You are the One who keeps sustaining me, providing me with strength and enables the sun to keep on shining! Reason no. 932 :)
Reason no. 931...
Thank you God for people's amazing generosity...this afternoon I read a lovely story of a random lady paying so a couple could go on a date due to overhearing that he did not want to go on a proper first date until he had a job and could pay! Random act of kindness are great! Reason no. 931 :)
Reason no. 930...
Thank you God for providing me with a place to live. Round the corner from me is a temporary house for the homeless, thank you God that You can provide long-term accommodation for each of them there. Reason no. 930 :)
Reason no. 929...
Thank you God for holding onto me and never letting me go. Thank you God that You never give up on me! Reason no. 929 :)
Reason no. 928...
Thank you God that even in my tiredness right now You are my strength! Thank you God that You sustain me and keep me going. Reason no. 928 :)
Reason no. 927...
Last week was my birthday!!! I am so thankful for having a wonderful few days! Great Greek food, lovely presents and a fun time with friends! It was my 4th birthday up in Manchester and these have been such a good 4 years! Reason no. 927 :)
Reason no. 926...
Thank you God that with the busyness of everything this year, You are God and You remain on the throne. Thank you God that with the stresses of assignments and dissertations, You are peace. Thank you God that You look after me and You speak to me. Thank you God that You know everything, even what lies ahead for beyond this degree. Thank you God that You already have a job lined up for me in Your perfect timing! Thank you God for how You provide so well for me and David and You will continue to do so. Reason no. 926 :)
Reason no. 925...
This week I have been reading about Moses. What I love is how when Moses feels way out of his comfort zone going on the adventure that God has set before him, God gives him Aaron to go on the journey with him. Thank you God! Thank you God that you equip us so we can do the things that You have called us to do. Reason no. 925 :)
Reason no. 924...
I am so proud of my little sister! She has set up a business that allows her to express her creativity! She is so talented and arty! I love the skill that God placed in her! Reason no. 924 :) https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheBigGreenDragon
Reason no. 923...
Thank you God for my wonderful husband! This week I have been busy each evening so far and David has always had dinner ready for my return! He is very good to me :) Reason no. 923 :)
Reason no. 922...
Thank you God for friends! Yesterday the traffic was awful coming out of the city centre, but the whole way home I had a lovely phone call from my old house mate! Reason no. 922 :)
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