
Reason no. 794...

Thank you God that You will provide next year. It's slightly scary having no idea where the money will come from, but You will provide. Thank You God for the anonymous financial gift David got a few weeks ago. Thank you God that every mission trip I have been on You have perfectly met the amount needed, or even exceeded! Thank You God that on my volunteering gap year, I broke even for the whole year - You provided perfectly. Thank you God for the past 3 years of my degree, You have provided. Thank God for the flat me and David have for next year, it's half rent over summer - a huge blessing! Thank You God!! You will provide like You have already have done! Reason no. 794 :)

Reason no. 793...

Thank you God that You will provide. Thank you God that back in 2008 you said that I would have grants enabling me to have a good education. Thank you God that right now I am walking in that promise. Thank you God that I am on a course which has my tuition fees paid for and a grant to support my day-to-day living. Thank you God that You knew when and what I would be studying. Reason no. 793 :)

Reason no. 792...

'Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.' 
Proverbs 8:34

Thank you God that You promise blessing over those who listen and seek you each day. Help me God as I want to see Your blessings on my life, my relationships, my future marriage, my community, my church and my studies.

Reason no. 792 :)


Reason no. 791...

"Listen to testimonies, share them- you'll change the atmosphere where you live...Testimonies are important because they are stories, stories of God’s nature. They reveal His heart, they reveal His person, they reveal what He values."
Bill Johnson

Reason no. 791 :)


Reason no. 790...

'I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak...' 
Ezekiel 34:16 

Thank you God for this promise! 
Reason no. 790 :)

Reason no. 789...

Thank you God for Your promises!

'I will make them and the places surrounding my hill a blessing. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.'
Ezekiel 34:26

Thank you God that where I live, there will be blessing over the area surrounding me and that includes the people! Thank you God for the small amount of time I'm still in my house, blessings can still be counted. Thank you God that as I move to my new flat, You will bring blessing in that area!! Thank you God that You have great things in store for that community and our neighbors! I pray that You will grow a heart for them! Reason no. 789 :)

Reason no. 788...

Yesterday I met up with my old youth leader and youth group! It was so encouraging! It was so great to see what God was doing and where God has taken us all, then hearing where we think God is taking us over the next couple of years! Reason no. 788 :)

Reason no.787...

Thank you God for having 3 weeks off uni before going back for 6 weeks and then 3rd year is done!! Reason no. 787 :)

Reason no. 786...

Thank you God for getting lots of wedding stuff sorted this week. Thank you for putting some amazing people around us who have offered help so far! They have been a huge blessing! Reason no. 786 :)