
Reason no. 662...

Proverbs 2:1-8...amazing!

'My son, if you accept my words
    and store up my commands within you,
turning your ear to wisdom
    and applying your heart to understanding—
indeed, if you call out for insight
    and cry aloud for understanding,
and if you look for it as for silver
    and search for it as for hidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
    and find the knowledge of God.
For the Lord gives wisdom;
    from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
He holds success in store for the upright,
    he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,
for he guards the course of the just
    and protects the way of his faithful ones.'

God loves it when we ask for wisdom. Solomon became King incredibly young and God told him that he could ask for absolutely anything he wanted and he would give it to him. Out of all the things he could ask for Solomon chose wisdom, he recognized that he knew very little about being a leader and having to rule over an entire nation. As a result of such a request, God added on blessing him with wealth and long life, and made him wiser than anyone else who has ever lived. God clearly regards wisdom highly! The amazing thing is that God gives it to us too!

Reason no. 662 :)


Reason no. 661...

Next week my sister is off to Bosnia for a mission trip! I'm so excited for her! God's provision for the trip has been incredible :) Reason no. 661 :)

Reason no. 660...

Being back home and sorting through some of my stuff in my room, I found some old bible study notes I used when I was in year 7 (10 years ago!). One of the quotes I found was: 'If prayer lags, then life sags.' Since being back home God's really reminded me in the value of prayer and how He wants to shape my prayer life and the impact prayer can have! Reason no. 660 :)

Reason no. 659...

'Hannah (a lady in the bible) did not wear a mask before God or man, knowing that God isn't shaken by emotions or grief, but actually treasures her cries and keeps  her tears in His 'bottle' (Psalm 56:8).' 

Stef Liston

Reason no. 659 :)


Reason no. 658...

'One person alone in intercession is enough to make a difference.'

Reason no. 658 :)

Reason no. 657...

'God loves demonstrating His power and glory,because when His glory is seen, His people rejoice and celebrate at what an amazing God they have, and His enemies quake and go into hiding - perfect!' 

Stef Liston

Reason no. 657 :)

Reason no. 656...

On Thursday I traveled back home for summer. My boyfriend came down for a few days as well, which has been truly great :) The weather's been amazing so we've spent time in Hythe, Canterbury, Samphire Hoe, etc. We also went to see my sister's A-level art exhibition - she's so talented!! The past few days have been an amazing way to start the summer holiday and just have a rest :) Reason no. 656 :)


Reason no. 655...

'Prayer is the power by which that comes to pass which otherwise would not take place.'
Andrew Murray

Reason no. 655 :)

Reason no. 654...

This week I weeded...from having weeds that came up to higher than my waist for over half the year, I can now see the ground below!! I'm grateful for having the time to do all the various little jobs around the house, so that it'll be a nice place to come back to when I return! Reason no. 654 :)

Reason no. 653...

On Monday was the Speech and Language Therapy course's ball. It was a lovely evening and great to see people before we all part ways for our 3 months long summer! Reason  no. 653 :)


Reason no. 652...

'I wasn't born to be nice, I was born to be a son of God.'

Reason no. 652 :)


Reason no. 651...

You went to such great lengths to bring the Israelites out of the bondage of the Egyptians. What great lengths You have already gone to to bring me into Your family! Reason no. 651 :)

Reason no. 650...

Finishing exams and being free from study for over 3 months (as long as I don't need to do any re-sits!!) Reason no. 650 :)


Reason no. 649...

Thank you God that my sin is overwritten with Your righteousness and removed completely from Your memory!

Reason no. 649 :)

Reason no. 648...

'Calvary covers it all,
My sin and shame
don't count anymore!'

Reason no. 648 :)

Reason no. 647...

'The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me...'
Psalm 138:8

Reason no. 647 :)


Reason no. 646...

One day God's presence will fill the whole of creation....In the bible there's a lot about temples, a place where God's presence dwells. The tabernacle that Moses built was made up of 3 parts: the Holy of Holies (where God lived), the Holy Place/ Tent of Meeting (where only priests could go) and the court (where normal Israelites were able to go). The Israelites couldn't enter the Holy of Holies. The reason for this is about it being more than just a room. It's about what's inside the room....the presence of the the almighty living God.

'When all the people of Israel saw the fire come down and the glory of Yahweh on the temple, they bowed down with their faces to the ground on the pavement and worshiped and gave thanks to Yahweh, saying, "For he is good, for His steadfast love endures forever." 
2 Chronicles 7:3. 

The people have their face to the ground. The awe, the worship, the sheer reverence of having God in their midst evokes a reaction. We have a God who is so holy and so powerful, that simply standing and singing words from a song on a Sunday morning is really not enough! He is holy and so worthy of something so much more.

God's presence is no longer just in the Holy of Holies. In fact with the cross of Jesus and the ripping of the temple curtain,  the world was brought into God's presence but also God's presence was brought into the world (Andrew Wilson). In fact, we are now the temple of the living God (2 Corinthians 6:16) meaning God is among us.

One day His presence will fill the whole of creation!

'The city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.' 
Revelation 21:23

Imagine just how glorious He must be...instead of the Sun being the source of light but God Himself - how brightly shining He must be!

Reason no. 646 :)