
Reason no. 607...

It's definitely true that God works all things together for good. Today I was thinking about the differences in my housing situation from last year to this year. Last year was fine, it wasn't unpleasant but this year has been so much better. Last year having been put with a bunch of strangers it's not surprising that we were all very different and weren't very close. This year God has blessed me with some amazing housemates and friends, people I can easily be myself around. Having got friends in different houses and hearing some of their stories, it's incredible that my house have not had a single falling out the whole year! From originally dreading the thought of moving into a house last year, God has totally exceeded my expectations! Reason no. 607 :)

Reason no. 606...

The God of justice, justifies me! 
Reason no. 606 :)

Reason no. 605...

I love colour and how a scene so beautiful can exist alongside a busy road!

Reason no. 605 :)

Reason no. 604...

I passed my driving test!!! It's taken a very long time, but I finally got there! Reason no. 604 :)


Reason no. 603...

Yesterday I was given a £2 coin...on the edge that goes around it it says: 'Standing on the shoulders of giants'. Meaning where we are today would not be possible without everything that has gone on before us. But equally one day we will be the giants that the next generation go forward from. The other week I was listening to someone talk about how the generation before us have battled through things so that we don't have to battle through them too, instead it means that we can go further than them and the generation after can go further than us. Reason no. 603 :)


Reason no. 602...

Out of the slimey pit,
Out of the mud and mire,
You've lifted me up,
and seated me in heavenly places.
From darkness into light,
From fear into freedom,
You've chosen me and
made me Your beloved daughter.
You've seen me at my worst,
You've seen my every mistake,
yet Your love for me is unbreakable,
so much stronger than I know.
Your Spirit lives in me - the same power 
that raised Christ from the dead,
carrying peace, carrying joy,
bringing Your presence into every situation.
Your Word stands true,
Every promise You've spoken over me
Will never ever die,
Thank You God that I belong to You.

Reason no. 602 :)


Reason no. 601...

The Father's Love: Olly Knight

See the love the Father’s shown for us 
He calls us Sons and Daughters so we are, we are
See the Father run with outstretched arms
We’re welcome in his presence yes we are, we are

He loves us with a vast and perfect love 
That fills the heavens, the heavens
He loves us with an overwhelming love 
That fills our hearts, our hearts
He loves us!

See the love the Father’s given us
He loved us first while we were lost in sin, in sin
See the costly, precious sacrifice
He gave his Son to lead us back to Him, to Him

There’s no other love that satisfies my soul
There’s no other love that comes and makes me whole
There’s no other love that fights to bring me home
Your love outbids, Your love outshines them all! 

The lyrics in this song are great! Thank you God that: 'there's no other love that fights to bring me home'! Reason no. 601 :)


Reason no. 600...

600 reasons of God displaying His goodness! It's amazing to collect all these reasons and to look back and see all the wonderful things He's done in my life! Reason no. 600 :)

Reason no. 599...

This week I've been reading Acts. In the book there's a guy named Stephen. It's amazing to think that nearly 2000 years later he's known for being a man full of the Holy Spirit, full of God's grace, faith and power, someone who did miraculous signs and wonders and someone who men could not stand up against because of the wisdom God gave him! It's amazing what God allowed him to be remembered for! Reason no. 599 :)

Reason no. 598...

This week I found out I passed my phonetics exam!!! The mock, the week before, really didn't go too well. So, it was definitely an answer to prayer that I passed and even got 18% above a pass rate!! Thank you Jesus! Reason no. 598 :)

Reason no. 597...

It is well with my soul!

'My sin, not in part, but the whole, 
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul.'

I love how in this hymn and in the Psalms the writers are actively stiring their soul, their heart and their mind into praise. Being reminded of who God is and all that He has done awakens praise in our Spirit! Reason no. 597 :)

Reason no. 596...

Our Father God loves and accepts us everyday through Christ Jesus!
Audacious Devotionals

Thank you God that Your love and Your acceptance of me is daily, thank You that it is not based on anything I've ever done, but completely based on Jesus!

Reason no. 596 :)

Reason no. 595...

The river Stour...creation really does speak of an amazing Creator! Reason no. 595 :)


Reason no. 594...

Amazing! I love the light breaking through the trees, the shadows falling on the green grass and just being outside surrounded by creation! Reason no. 594 :)

Reason no. 593...

This week I've had to fill in all my student finance forms for the coming year, including my NHS bursary claims. Receiving money from the NHS is such a blessing and it's so easy to take it for granted, but it does mean that the amount of debt I'll accumulate over the 4 years is significantly less than it could have been. Plus it's amazing how God knew and spoke about me receiving a bursary before I even had a clue about what I'd end up studying at university! Incredible! Reason no. 593 :)

Reason no. 592...

I love how places like this exist in the midst of a very busy city!

Reason no. 592 :)

Reason no. 591...

When Jesus ascended into heaven, he didn't leave us on own but gave us the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit is amazing! Reading through Acts and seeing what happens when Holy Spirit comes and falls on people is exciting: there's a fresh boldness, miraculous signs and wonders are happening and the church is expanding at an exponential rate! Reason no. 591:)

Reason no. 590...

Back home with my lovely family! It's good to see them in person, rather than just over a screen! Plus, lazy evenings in front of the TV are something I haven't done in so long! Reason no. 590 :)


Reason no. 589...

It's been a while, but here's a new poem :)

Accepted, loved, forgiven:
That's me, because of Him!
Adopted into His family,
made His beloved daughter.
He's chosen me before
the creation of the universe.
He holds me and protects me,
providing an unshakable foundation.
He marks me with the Holy Spirit:
a deposit guaranteeing more to come.
His unending mercy follows me
all the days of my life.
The richness of His love,
The depths of His grace,
The abundance of goodness,
How amazing is He, my Father?!

Reason no. 589 :)