500 reasons to praise God!! He has been good reason after reason after reason. Thank You God that Your blessings never run dry, they're new every morning and there are still over 9500 reasons to find! Reason no. 500 :)
Reason no. 499...
Thank You God that I stand forgiven. I'm far from perfect and most certainly do stuff, say stuff and definitely think stuff that I regret on a very regular basis! But Your grace, Your love and Your forgiveness and Jesus's death on the cross means that I don't have to keep away from You, the Holy God.
As far as
the east is from the west,
from the
depths of the oceans
to the
heights of the heavens,
extremity to another -
that's how
far my sin has gone.
It's out of
it no longer
defines me,
it's no
longer apart of me.
The guilt
and shame entangled within
has been
forever removed.
The condemnation
that it brought
has been
broken off me.
I am
redefined, re-identified!
I once was
enslaved and trapped,
but now I'm
Peace and
joy now reign within,
for I am
forgiven -
for all
The verdict
has passed -
I'm innocent
- no wrong to be found!
How can it
Ask Him.
It's nothing to do with me!
When the
sentence comes,
I shall not
be punished,
eternity with the King awaits me!
I am
Reason no. 499 :)
Reason no. 498...
Stop. Wait.
Stop. Wait.
Give me a
moment of your busy day,
Open your
heart; ready to receive.
I'm already
just open
your ears.
Throw off
the distractions,
and come sit
in my presence.
Fix your
eyes on me,
challenge your perspective.
Tune into my
And follow
my leadings.
Ask and it
will be given -
whatever you
need for the day -
faith, courage.
Nothing is
impossible for me!
God is good! It's amazing how when He speaks it stands through time. Having just been reading through some poems from a couple of years ago, they're definitely things I need to hear again! Reason no. 498 :)
Reason no. 497...
I am grateful for being able to stay in my student home for another year, with most of the people I'm living with at the moment. It's been such a great location and means I don't have to move house again in the summer! Reason no. 497 :)
Reason no. 496...
Having been learning to drive for over a year, I've finally got to the stage where I can book my driving test!! It's still not for a little while, but now I've got a date to work towards :) Reason no. 496 :)
Reason no. 495...
The human body is amazing at how it functions. There are so many systems operating within it and it all seems to operate together effortlessly - movements, breathing, speaking, swallowing, thinking. How all the little parts join together and make something so complex. Reason no. 495 :)
Reason no. 494...
Yesterday my dad graduated from uni, having got a first!! So proud of him. It's been a long journey, but he got there in the end. Reason no. 494 :)
Reason no. 493...
Today has been spent trying to read through some texts for my course. This afternoon I read this: 'Even within the normal population of individuals without brain injuries some people's modules (brain stuff!) work better for somethings than do other people's, so that some people are better at verbal skills or spatial skills...' Awesome to be reminded that everyone is different, with a different skill set. Reason no. 493 :)
Reason no. 492...
Some of my lecturers are so good. They are just so full of knowledge and specialized in their field and have a good ability to communicate it to people like me. Others are are just really good at giving feedback that will be helpful for the future, for example with assignments. Reason no. 492 :)
Reason no. 491...
It's amazing how language develops from a baby to an adult: from cries and babbling to combinations of sounds that have specific meanings. The way sounds vibrate through the air and end up in the brain with specific items of information. Brains have such amazing capacities for information - not only do they deal with 1000s and 1000s of words, but they have the capacity to hold memories too. Reason no. 491 :)
Reason no. 490...
I find it remarkable that different languages have sounds that we are unable to identify as a separate sound. However, if you got a young baby, they're able to distinguish them. When you're born you have the capacity to learn any language. It's amazing how the brain works and how it changes to make room for you to become an expert in one language. Reason no. 490 :)
Reason no. 489...
The International Phonetic Alphabet is such a good idea. It links all the languages together and means that anyone who can read it could in theory pronounce words from other languages without ever having a language lesson. It also helps Speech and Language Therapists loads! Reason no. 489 :)
Reason no. 488...
It wasn't so much fun walking through the snow to get to uni, but when I got there, this was the view! Reason no. 488 :)
Reason no. 487...
Great lyrics by Elevation Worship:
In Your presence there is freedom
In Your presence there is hope
In Your presence there is healing
Love restores me, I am whole
No matter how far I run
You are with me
No matter how far I fall
Your love is everlasting
Your kindness never ends
God You never leave me
Your presence goes before us
Your glory has no end
God You never leave me
In Your presence there is power
Through Your spirit, strength will rise
In Your presence there is mercy
And in Your presence I'm alive
You will be our guide
To the end, to the end
The Lord is with me
He will not forsake me
Reason no. 487 :)
Reason no. 486...
God loves the ordinary, everyday, 'mundane' life.
Reason no. 486 :)
Reason no. 485...
Having been worrying about one of my modules and the up-coming exam before Easter, the lecture today was great at just putting it all in perspective and finding out more about what the exam would entail. It was definitely a good reminder that God is in control and I don't need to worry. Reason no. 485 :)
Reason no. 484...
Thank You God that You are here. Thank You God that I don't have to strive to be in Your presence, because You are God with us. Thank You God that we have access to You and I don't have to bring loads of sacrifices to draw close to You. Thank You Jesus that Your death was enough to give us access before You and there is now no separation between us. Reason no. 484 :)
Reason no. 483...
Yesterday I had a lecture on 'Research Methods'. I can't say it's my favourite idea for a module for a semester, but I was reminded of the value of research. We often think of the health professionals on the front line as the people who make the difference to a sick person's life, but really research has an equal value and shapes the treatment we receive. I'm grateful for the people who go into research and are keeping treatment up-to-date and challenging current practices, that are perhaps not the most effective. Reason no. 483 :)
Reason no. 482...
'Meditation is positive worrying!' Reason no. 482 :)
Reason no. 481...
We are fearful because we have too small a view of God and a wrong perspective of what Jesus accomplished on the cross...fear is linked with punishment...Jesus's death on the cross means I'm un-punishable! (Andy Robinson) Reason no. 481 :)
Reason no. 480...
Food is definitely a reason! It's such a blessing to not have to worry whether I'll have enough money to get food tomorrow, to not have to worry that a drought will cause the country I live in to be disrupted in food production. I definitely take it for granted and have the expectation that that is my entitlement, but no, it's a gift from the King. Thank you Father for Your constant provision. Reason no. 480 :)
Reason no. 479...
Thank you God that even in all my insecurities, struggles, weaknesses - everything, You're good, You're strong and You keep on loving me unconditionally! Reason no. 479 :)
Reason no. 478...
This morning I was reminded of God's faithfulness as I was looking back as to how I ended up studying speech and language therapy....I'm not 100% sure how it all came together and me ending up on the course. But back in 2008, a guy prophesied that I'd end up teaching and doing stuff medically related, but also getting grants and all kinds of things in terms of my education...well right now the NHS are supporting me in my tuition and living costs, and speech and language therapists are teachers of sorts and I've definitely been learning a lot of anatomy and various diseases, which is all rather medical related! When God first told me those things never did I imagine this is where I'd end up. He's good and His timing and speaking into situations is great! Reason no. 478 :)
Reason no. 477...
Today I listened to a talk about Jesus turning water into wine. It was the first of many miraculous signs he performed. I'd never really thought about it, but why did they run out of wine in the first place? Weddings were huge events and something many people went to, in fact in their culture weddings reflected the village the people were from. Running out of wine would not have given a good impression of their village and would definitely have been very embarrassing. The person looking after the banquet was probably rather stingy and trying to cut corners by not getting so much wine. The fact is that guy who had been stingy and not got enough wine, ultimately got all the praise (for the wine Jesus had transformed from water) from the bridegroom - not Jesus. He took the credit for what Jesus had done. That sounds rather horrible, but really that's what we do with Jesus too. We get the credit for what he has done for us. When Jesus died on the cross and rose again, he took our sin and turned it to righteousness, he took our shame and turned it to honour, he took our weakness and gave us strength and fear is now replaced with courage. Jesus took the water and turned it to wine. Jesus takes whatever we give him and turns it to something beautiful. Reason no. 477 :)
Reason no. 476...
A new semester and new topics to study. I like how there's so much variety on the course. If I'm not particularly enjoying a module it's only for one semester and then I can pick up a new module in the next semester. Reason no. 476 :)
Reason no. 475...
Thank You God that You're a big God and Your heart for people is so much bigger than I know. Thank You God that You're the God of the nations. Thank You God that Your heart is so much more than just for my house, my street, my city but it's for people of every language, for every country. How exciting that we get to join You in that! Reason no. 475 :)
Reason no. 474...
Thank You God that You're a God with an everlasting love. A love that is unchanging and so perfect. Thank You God that Your love is good, strong and satisfying. Your love for me is not dependent on my behavior, my thoughts and my words - it takes me just as I am. Thank You God that You are a good Father and Your love is unrelenting. It's a firm foundation and never disappointing. Reason no. 474 :)
Reason no. 473...
The political system in the UK is actually really good, in comparison to many other countries. I am thankful that I'm able to vote freely and for what has happened in history to get us to the point where women can vote. Reason no. 473 :)
Reason no. 472...
I'm grateful for student finance and the grant I'm given each year by the NHS. It's so generous and I definitely take it for granted that I have sufficient money to get through university and to be able to live comfortably. Thank you God for Your provision. Reason no. 472 :)
Reason no. 471...
I am grateful for having a roof over my head. Outside it is pouring with rain, it's cold and dark. I'm thankful for having a warm, pleasant home to live in. Reason no. 471 :)
Reason no. 470...
Exams are all finished! Yesterday I couldn't have asked for a better question to come up. Having focused my revision to a couple of voice disorders out of 10 or so possible ones, they were the exact 2 that came up! Reason no. 470 :)
Reason no. 469...
Yesterday I went to see The Theory of Everything. It's such a good film. It's amazing how clever some people are and their brain capacity to hold so much information. It's incredible how despite losing function in his limbs and having a tracheostomy and losing his ability to speak, Stephen Hawking achieved so much. Having learnt a bit about alternative forms of communication and Motor Neuron Disease at uni last semester, I found it so helpful having a glimpse of the reality of what that looks like in someone's life. Reason no. 469 :)
Reason no. 468...
Thank you God that I naturally wake up early. Last night I had a dream that I missed my exam this morning and had a little panic! I'm thankful that that has not happened yet! Reason no. 468 :)
Reason no. 467...
Having been sleeping badly for the past week due to my bed. I slept the whole way through last night! Definitely an answer to prayer and I am now feeling refreshed for the day ahead! Yesterday, I was reminded that it can be so easy to think that a good night's sleep is what we're entitled to - it's what we need to function throughout the day. But actually sleep is a gift from God. Reason no. 467 :)
Reason no. 466...
'You give me joy, down deep in my soul.'
Thank You God that You're a God of everlasting joy!
Reason no. 466 :)
Reason no. 465...
Tomorrow I have my last exam and then 3 days off to have a really relaxed long weekend! Reason no. 465 :)
Reason no. 464...
'Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.'
Psalm 16:8
What an amazing promise! On Sunday, someone showed a picture of 2 people holding hands and how their right hand was in the other person's - that meant that the other person's free hand became their right hand. They had to be totally dependent on the other person to help carry out all the things they needed to do. That's like us and God. Reason no. 464 :)
Reason no. 463...
Thank You God that Your goodness does go on and on and on! In fact there's been 462 reasons in just over a year! You have been so faithful and true. Thank You that You don't just do good things, but it's who You are. You are a good good Father! Reason no. 463 :)
Reason no. 462...
Thank You God that even though it's taken so long for me to find a church to call home in Manchester, You've put some amazing Christian friends around me to live with. Thank You God that everything's in Your timing and that I can trust You with it. Reason no. 462 :)
Reason no. 461...
Thank you God that I was brought up in a Christian family. It can be so easy to discredit it when sharing testimonies, but it meant that I had the opportunity to know about you from day 0, see you answer prayer throughout my life and to see what it looks like to live a life for you. Reason no. 461 :)
Reason no. 460...
This Saturday I have the opportunity to help out with a Refugee Conversation Club. It's such an amazing opportunity. I love getting to know people from other countries. Being able to help them learn English too, is an added bonus! Reason no. 460 :)
Reason no. 459...
'You're a good good Father - it's who You are!'
'You're perfect in all of Your ways.'
Some amazing truths in this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0gwz_IDY7w.
Reason no. 459 :)
Reason no. 458...
Having been emailing the estate agents/landlords about problems with my mattress for over 2 months, they have finally agreed to come assess the quality of my mattress! Definitely a lesson learnt in being persistent! Reason no. 458 :)
Reason no. 457...
I love these lyrics: 'I am confident that neither life nor death can keep me from the love of Christ ...His love goes deeper than the things that I feel...His love is deeper than depression and fear.' Thank You God that Your love is so much bigger than everything else! Thank You that Your love is freedom! Reason no. 457 :)
Reason no. 456...
My next exam is all about voice, so I have been reading a lot about it. I love how every voice is unique to the individual. For example when speaking on the phone to someone you can normally identify who it is. Their pitch, loudness and quality is what makes that person's voice their voice. It's amazing how our vocal folds, something so small (on average 17mm long), are used to produced sound and how we communicate with each other. Reason no. 456 :)
Reason no. 455...
Yesterday it snowed and looked so beautiful! The British weather is really good - never/rarely at the extremes of being overly cold or overly hot. The regular rainfall keeps the grass green and feeds the plants. Compared to other countries, the UK has a nice mix of all kinds of weather. I'm grateful for where I live. Reason no. 455 :)
Reason no. 454...
The other day a friend said: 'God's not surprised by the situation!' So true. What totally surprises/ panics us, does not phase Him at all. He is sovereign and He is in control. He also promises to work all things together for good. So what may look like a terrible situation has someone all powerful working good into it! Reason no. 454 :)
Reason no. 453...
'Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.'
Psalm 84:10-11
Psalm 84:10-11
The Psalms are great, filled with truth and written by people who have seen something of the King that overflows into words. The authors knew who their God was and knew what that meant for them as his chosen people. That's where I want to be! Reason no. 453 :)
Reason no. 452...
I'm thankful for the University library: a place full of resources that are free for me to access. I love sitting in the older sections and sitting by the window - a great place to get some revision done! Reason no. 452 :)
Reason no. 450...
Today my exam is on fluency: stammering. This morning as I'm reading about Moses, I'm reminded that Moses has a speech problem - possibly a stammer! God uses him to set the Israelites free from the yoke of the Egyptians. Moses who would have discounted himself from talking to Pharaoh and speaking on behalf of God, is God's instrument. God uses Moses in his weakness and in his fear of speaking to bring God's freedom! God doesn't remove the stammer before using Him, He uses Moses just as he is. Reason no. 450 :)
Reason no. 449...
Exam season is here. Tomorrow I have my first exam. Thank you God that You are with me and I don't need to worry about it. Thank you that regardless of how the exam goes Your love for me is HUGE and Your plans for my life are not affected by my results! Reason no. 449 :)
Reason no. 448...
Hearing stories of what God is doing around the world is so encouraging...from Ukraine to Islamic nations. Church is so important for His mission and we get to be a part of it! Reason no. 448 :)
Reason no. 447...
Thank you God that Your church is for the nations. Reason no. 447 :)
Reason no. 446...
Thank you God that 1 John 4:18 says: 'There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear...' Thank you God that when I'm afraid there's an invitation for You to reveal Your love to me again. As we encounter You, our fears become less plausible, and instead we see You, something far more magnificent. (Ideas from Phil Wilthew). Reason no. 446 :)
Reason no. 445...
Thank you for 2 good nights sleep in a row, having slept badly for nearly a week before.
In peace I will lie down and sleep,
for you alone, Lord,
make me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4:8
Reason no. 445
Reason no. 444...
Thank you God for the power there is in speaking in tongues, in other languages. Last weekend I was reminded of a story I heard a few years ago of a lady called: Jackie Pullinger who began praying in tongues daily and consequently person after person encountered Jesus and set free from drug addictions! Reason no. 444 :)
Reason no. 443...
Thank you God for William Booth and all that you did through him in this nation. I love how when he had a meeting with Queen Victoria, he arrived late because he meet someone who was in poverty along the way. He knew what was more important. When he arrived and she asked what was the reason for his success in reaching the poor, he picked up some chalk and drew a circle on the floor. He went and stood in it and said that everything in the circle belonged to God. William Booth gave everything to God and God used him to impact a nation and influence history.
Reason no. 442...
Moses murdered an Egyptian, yet God still used him to lead God's people out of captivity! Reason no. 442 :)
Reason no. 441...
It's amazing how Moses was kept safe in a basket down the river Nile and was found by Pharaoh's daughter. Having given up her son for protection, it ends up being Moses' mum who was chosen to nurse him (out of all the Hebrew women it could have been!)...definitely a God thing! From not knowing what would happen to her son as she put him in the basket, God allowed her to watch and care for him as he grew a bit older. Reason no. 441 :)
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