Reason no. 338...
This weekend I've seen a couple of people getting ready to start their Impact years. I can't believe it was 2 years ago that I moved to Horsham and started the year. It's amazing to think back to what God did over the year and am excited to hear the stories about what God does in them too! Reason no. 338 :)
Reason no. 337...
My church family in Ashford. They're a great bunch of people and definitely something I value when I'm back home. Plus, as I was growing up in the youth group they've taught me loads about God. Reason no. 337 :)
Reason no. 336...
Thank you God for men and women who train in the medical profession and their heart for people. Thank you God for those who are risking their lives to help people suffering with Ebola at the moment. God will you protect, provide wisdom and help them. Reason no. 336 :)
Reason no. 335...
Being unconditionally loved by God - how amazing! Nothing I can say, nothing I can do, distance, death - absolutely nothing can separate me from God's amazing love for me.
Romans 8:38-39...
'For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.'
Reason no. 335 :)
Reason no. 335 :)
Reason no. 334...
Successful shopping trip...I managed to buy some clothes ready for my SLT placement this year! Reason no. 334 :)
Reason no. 333...
John Piper:
'Redemption, salvation and restoration are not God's ultimate goal. These he performs for something far greater.'
- His glory through Jesus.
Reason no. 333 :)
Reason no. 332...
Heading back to Manchester in just over a week, being able to see my friends and move into my new home! Reason no. 332 :)
Reason no. 331...
My sister doing really well in her AS results this summer and passing her driving theory yesterday! Reason no. 331 :)
Reason no. 330...
''Consider, by the time you hit 40, your tattered heart has already thumped out a billion and a half beats: what can the chances be of any organ doing anything a billion and a half times and never making a mistake?''
John Diamond
It's amazing to think how well our bodies actually work. There's so many things that could go wrong, but haven't. Thank you God! Reason no. 330 :)
Reason no. 329...
These past couple of weeks I've read several books, which is huge for me as I very rarely ever read. One of the books was set 40 years after Jesus was crucified. It was amazing to get a picture of what it was like to live in the early church, in a place that totally rejected God, yet the church is beginning to grow. This is all set around the time some of the New Testament is being written. To read about the strength of people's faith as they face being thrown in the lion's den and yet remain at total peace is so challenging. Through reading the book God's totally given me a better perspective of the bible and what kind of situations Paul's letters are being written into. Reason no. 329 :)
Reason no. 328...

This photo reminds me of a line in a song: 'The cross stands above it all...' Jesus has triumphed over death and sin. He's alive, He's reigning and He's victorious. The amazing thing is that includes the situations we face too. Reason no. 328 :)
Reason no. 327...
Creation displays the glory of God. He's the Creator and His creation points to Him. The display of His beauty is incredible. If you look really closely you can see a small trail of people in the distance. We're so small in this HUGE world, yet the significance God places on each of our lives is amazing! Reason no. 327 :)

(This photo is a view from Mont Saint Michel in France.)
Reason no. 326...
Had a fantastic time on holiday with my family. Such a blessing to be able to stay in my Grandparents house in France - they've spent nearly 20 years doing it up and now it is livable! Playing games, going for walks in the forest and just relaxing was a great was to spend 10 days :) Reason no. 326 :)
Reason no. 325...
One of the Russian students made me a little card, with a picture of me on it and wrote a little note to go with it too. She was so talented and definitely very gifted in art, but also in her English skills too! I'm definitely going to keep it safe and it will be a nice little reminder of this summer :) The thought behind it is so lovely. Reason no. 325 :)
Reason no. 324...
A lovely meal out with colleagues on Friday. It's been great to work alongside such a range of people. Reason no. 324 :)
Reason no. 323...
On Friday, one of the Japanese leaders gave me a little gift. It was so thoughtful and so me! It was a collection of colorful Japanese themed pieces of paper. They're so beautiful and perfect for some art and craft. The Japanese definitely know what it means to honor other people and have such a heart of gratitude - definitely something I want to grow in! Reason no. 323 :)
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