Walking through Canterbury singing 'Oh happy day' with a bunch of students is definitely a reason! We later chanted: 'I say happy, you say day, happy, day, happy, day'. It was a good afternoon :) Reason no. 322 :)
Reason no. 321...
Today was great to watch a group of students be creative and decorate glasses. They were all so talented! The glasses looked beautiful. Thank you God that we are made in your image and that means we're creative too. Reason no. 321 :)
Reason no. 320...
Having the opportunity to just sit and listen today was a real blessing. Reason no. 320 :)
Reason no. 319...
God's timing is good. He knows best. I am 100% confident that where I am this week is exactly where God's positioned me to be - it's by no mistake that I'm still in Broadstairs and not at Newday. Thank you! Reason no. 319 :)
Reason no. 318...
On Friday, I headed back home for a day or 2, which was lovely. A few of my favorite little things: my sister doing some henna for me. along with my nails (- she's so arty/ creative!), just sitting down and watching TV/ a dvd as a family and having a lasagna and cooked breakfast (- I love food)! Reason no. 318 :)
Reason no. 317...
Today I found a little note I hid in the room I'm staying in Broadstairs. (I also hid a couple in my room in Whitworth, back in Manchester.) I can't wait for someone to find them. A little bit of encouragement for when you move to a new place is always good! Reason no. 317 :)
Reason no. 316...
Slightly sad to not be heading to Newday tomorrow, but at the same time I'm excited to get one extra week working at the school! I can't wait to hear what God's going to do over this week. I'm expectant of huge things because He's a God who exceeds expectations. Prayers have been prayed for the week and people have partnered with the living God - so this week is going to be huge! One thing that totally blew me away last year, was just how much God loves His people and how He removed the scars of a girl who once self-harmed. He loves. He cares. He's so good! Reason no. 316 :)
Reason no. 315...
The other week I was over at Canterbury Cathedral. It's amazing to think that over 100's and 100's of years people have gathered to worship God there. God's unchanging and His worshipers are still gathering together. The fact that God has spoken to people there and He's still speaking to people there is incredible. Reason no. 315 :)
Reason no. 314...
The opportunity to find out more about different cultures has been amazing these past 3 weeks. This week I've spent time with the Japanese students - their culture of honor is incredible. Thinking about it now, my mind is blown by how well they honor one another. For example, I was starting to put a room back in place after a disco, so moving loads of tables and chairs, some come over and just offer their help, another teacher sees and asks more students and they immediately come - no complaining. When they see you, the slight bow of the head just shows respect and that they see the value of the person. Actions definitely speak so much louder than words. I've also spent time with a group of Italians. They're such great fun, so sociable and friendly. The fact that they'll talk to anyone and greet everyone is so lovely. At the same time they're really encouraging too. What an amazing privilege to watch all these cultures come together. Reason no. 314 :)
Reason no. 313...
Thank you God for this job! Yes at times I moan and get stressed by little things that may have happened, but God's been sooooo good. Spending time with international students makes me so happy! Through this job God's renewed my passion for languages (and reminded me of dreams He's put in me and words He spoke years ago). Plus, He's reminded me of His heart for the nations. His love for His people goes beyond England. Reason no. 313 :)
Reason no. 312...
Today God reminded me loads about the Sabbath day and the importance of rest. Sometimes it's so easy to go 7 days, then go the next 7 days without truly resting. But in the bible we discover that: rest was important to God. As a good Father does, He modeled what He wanted us to do. Right at the beginning, God works 6 days and rests on the 7th. A day is 24 hours. He doesn't want us to simply take 3 hours here 2 hours there. The Sabbath day is holy. It's a day set a part for Him (- so not just sat in front of the TV!). It's not only something God modeled, but something He commanded us to do too. His commandments are for our good - it's what is best for us....Thank you God that you put rest on our agenda. Reason no. 312 :)
Reason no. 311...
Today I ventured over to Canterbury and went along to City Church. It was lovely to see a couple of old friends from Impact last year. They're both such happy, smiley, friendly people! Reason no. 311 :)
Reason no. 310...
On facebook people have started posting 3 positive/ reasons to be thankful each day for a week. There's so many reasons to be thankful. Even in the midst of situations that seem horrible, there still are reasons to be thankful. Reason no. 310 :)
Reason no. 309...
Although I haven't posted in a while, God remains unchanging, still good and still so faithful! Reason no. 309 :)
Reason no. 308...
'It's easy to celebrate other people when you receive the celebration of God over you.'
Melissa Helser
Reason no. 308 :)
Reason no. 307...
A year ago I was in Romania, helping run a kids camp. A team have returned this year and just seeing photos and reading comments on facebook - it looks incredible what God is doing over there! A random little comment from a girl over there asking me if I was returning next year was really special too! God is good :) Reason no. 307 :)
Reason no. 306...
This job is such a blessing! I love being with the international students - spending time with them is a reminder of God's heart for the nations and the passions He's put in me. I've also realized that I enjoy working alongside teenagers/ doing youth work. Just being able to run and plan art and craft activities is amazing too. Thank you God for providing this job! If you asked me on the first couple of days of arriving in Broadstairs I seriously doubted I was in a job I'd enjoy - but He's definitely reminded me that I can trust Him and He won't let me down! Reason no. 306 :)
Reason no. 305...
Broadstairs is a beautiful town with a lovely sandy beach. Reason no. 305 :)
Reason no. 304...
I love being with international students. At the moment we have loads of Chinese and French with us at the school. It is amazing how some of these students are only 13 but want to improve their English that their happy to go to the other side of the world by themselves. Reason no. 304 :)
Reason no. 303...
Started my new job! The first couple of days I found it really hard settling in, but having covered it in prayer yesterday was really good.The kids have now arrived and I did my first mini excursion/ orientation into Broadstairs. God is good and He's in the business of turning situations around :) Reason no. 303 :)
Reason no. 302...
'When my reason for worship is warfare, or because I want a certain result, it's not worship. It's flattery - when you do something nice because you want something back. Worship is a response to worth & His worth remains the same. When you don't feel like worshiping that's the perfect time. He's looking for a sacrifice of praise, not a performance of praise.'
Bill Johnson
Reason no. 302 :)
Reason no. 301...
Thank you God for being with me in my studying. This year I passed first year, averaging a first! Reason no. 301 :)
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