
Reason no. 102...

This most certainly has got to be a reason! It's a quote taken from Matt Redman's book: 'Facedown'.
'The God we worship is clothed in mystery. He reveals and He conceals. He invites and He hides. He confounds and He confides. The God who rests but never sleeps. Who thunders and whispers, terrifies and befriends. Whose anger lasts only a moment, but whose favor lasts a lifetime. Who is all-consuming yet kind, all-knowing yet capable of forgetting the sins He forgives. The God who wounds and binds ...up, who injures and who heals. The King whose footstool is the Earth, yet humbly washed the earth from the feet of those He discipled. Who reigns in righteousness yet carried our shamefulness. Who walked in the Garden of Eden in the cool of the day, yet sweated drops of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane one agonizing night.'
Reason no. 102 :)


Reason no. 101...

I love testimonies. I love reading and hearing about God working in the lives of people like you and me. He's the same God that we read in the bible. Yesterday I read this story by a friend called James Birchenough. It's an incredible story and beautifully written. So definitely have a read!
Turning back the clock
Have you ever looked down at your hand and noticed the end of your finger missing? No? Well I have.
It was a Wednesday night when it happened. Band practice at church had just finished and I was leaving to meet my Mum, who was waiting in the car outside. However, the big heavy door at the back of church had other ideas. Somehow one of my fingers got caught in the hinge of the door, which swung shut and chopped off the end of it. For a couple of seconds I didn’t notice, but once I saw the tip of my finger on the floor and the splattering of blood around me I became a bit more aware of what was going on and it started to hurt a LOT more.
The next bit’s a bit of a blur. I ran back into church and tried to explain what had happened, and once the others had deciphered my confused ramblings they tried their best to help and pointed out that a trip to the hospital would be needed. Thankfully Mum was still outside (probably wondering what on earth was going on!) so I ran out to her and tried to explain what had happened. As we drove to the hospital the severity of the situation began to sink in, particularly for Mum, and we started to pray, declaring that God would turn it around and heal me: if he could knit me together in my mother’s womb (see Psalm 139:13) then surely He could do it again! Looking back it’s a miracle Mum didn’t faint while she was driving, but thankfully the prayers and the adrenaline kicked in and she – and He! - got me there safely.
When we got to the hospital, the car park was full, so I had to go into A&E by myself while Mum drove around trying to find a parking spot, which, on top of everything else, was quite a daunting and unusual experience, especially for a relatively shy thirteen year-old! I began to feel really queasy in the waiting room, and the enormity of what had happened began to sink in even more. It wasn’t just the fact that I’d look a bit weird with part of my finger missing; I’d literally just started playing keyboard in our church band and I would have hated for that opportunity to have been snatched away before it had really begun. I’d recently had a prophesy from my Pastor saying that God would use me like He used David in Saul’s courts in back in Bible times (1 Samuel 16:14-23) and that when I played keys I would create an atmosphere that would draw heaven down, something that Mum and I were really clinging on to during this ordeal.
So at A&E I saw a few different consultants. The first was the nurse practicioner, who had quite a matter-of-fact, utilitarian approach (not that that’s a bad thing in A&E!) and she assessed the damage, put the end back on my finger and bandaged it up. (That’s another thing: in all that panic at church I’m so glad someone reminded me to pick up the end of my finger, otherwise there would have been quite an awkward moment at this point…) The next guy did something quite strange: he took the bandage off reaaallllyyyy slowly, looked at my finger (without letting me see, which wasn’t exactly reassuring!) and then wrapped the bandage round again equally slowly. He then told me that the end of my finger might not attach back on at all, something I definitely didn’t want to hear! This brought home the reality of the situation: that it might not go back to how it was after all, which, to be honest, really shook me. BUT we knew that whatever the doctor said ultimately meant nothing because our God was in control: I knew he had (and still has!) an amazing plan and a purpose for my life, and if He can create the universe, defeat sin and death, and make a donkey talk (yes, that’s in the Bible too! See Numbers 22:28) then I figured he could cope with healing one dodgy finger.
Next was the X-ray man – a really friendly Irish guy who lifted my spirits by chatting to me a bit and telling me that my piano-playing days weren’t over yet (yesss!), and then I saw a really cool doctor who properly bandaged me up and sorted out what would happen next. I can’t speak highly enough of people who work in A&E; they were amazing that night, and to work in such a pressurised, unpredictable environment doing such a vital job deserves a lot more recognition than they get.
Over the next couple of months life was a bit different. I had to do everything left-handed for a bit, which was, er, interesting to say the least. Even relatively simple day-to-day activities like writing and brushing my teeth were much more difficult, and I wasn’t allowed to play the piano with both hands for ages either. I also had my work experience placement during this time, and again really mundane things were made much harder by having my right arm/hand in a sling. To some this precaution might have seemed a bit over the top, but it really wasn’t because if it got badly knocked the end of my finger might just come off again! I had to go for regular appointments at the hospital during this time, where they’d take the bandage off my finger, check how it was doing, then put a fresh dressing on. The strange thing was, a black scab was forming over the end of my finger, which was quite scary as I couldn’t help wondering what was going on underneath it; even though it seemed to be healing up, I couldn’t know for sure, and part of me was worried that it’d stay black and drop off as the consultant had warned.
After what seemed like an age – a short but momentous chapter of my life filled with uncertainty and discomfort, but, more positively, lots of prayer, help and support from those around me - the scab came off, revealing a beautiful pink finger underneath. Amazing! But there was one final twist: my nail on this one finger had grown really long, and an extra little bit of finger had grown to the same length as the nail. The consultant said it may need to be surgically removed, but – guess what? – it just went away. Coincidence? I think not!
Since then things have got even better. I’ve got pretty much complete feeling in that finger now, and even the fingerprint, which wasn’t there at first, has come back, as if to underline the fact that God really has knitted it back together and restored it to the way it was before. I’m still playing keys in my church band – I love how I can offer the gift He’s given to me back to Him in worship! – and God’s continuing to use me more than ever: in many aspects of my life, but through playing in church in particular.
I often take my finger for granted, but every now and then I look down at my hand and remember what an awesome miracle God’s done. I know of more dramatic, life-threatening situations my family and friends have gone through where God’s intervened, and you may well think ‘oh it’s only one or two centimetres of a finger, what does that matter?’, but this is my testimony and I think it’s amazing! So once again thank You God for healing me! Thank You that You love each and every one of us so much that You answer our prayers, change lives and transform situations, and thank You that You’ve given me an amazing testimony that no-one can ever take away. All the glory goes to You Lord, You’re awesome!
Reason no. 101 :)


Reason no. 100...

Wow, 100 reasons to praise God and that's only just the beginning. One of the lines of the song this blog is based on goes: 'Bless the Lord, oh my soul.' Sometimes we have to wake our soul up and remind ourselves of who God is and what He's actually done for us. Sometimes it's a real struggle and not what I want to be doing. But, the reality is God is SO worthy of my praise and He's worthy of my time. As we tell ourselves truth of who God is and remind ourselves of what God has done before - praise begins to overflow! I love the fact that the Bible is so real, in the Psalms that's exactly what David does - He's activating his soul into praise!! 'Praise the Lord, O my soul.' Reason no. 100 :)

Reason no. 99...

God's creation! Yesterday I was reminded by the fact of just how amazing we live on a planet with so much green stuff - ie. plants. Imagine if plants did not take in carbon dioxide (a gas which is harmful to us) and produce oxygen (something essential for our survival) - we would be poisoned to death!! Not only do they allow us to live, but they look awesome too! How clever is God's design for the world we live! Reason no. 99 :)


Reason no. 98...

Today I ventured over to see the Moore family...that meant a 45 minute journey in the car over to Hastings. One thing I appreciate about long journeys and playing worship music in the car is just having the opportunity to be reminded of little truths about God. The music is on in the background, but every now and again one line will jump out: 'Your love never fails, it never gives up on me...', 'You are the well that overflows with  rivers of joy...', 'You're the Sun of Righteousness with healing in your wings...' Reason no. 98 :)

Reason no. 97...

Christmas is such a lovely time to spend with the family. Sitting together eating an awesome Christmas dinner, playing games, going for a little Christmas walk and watching Christmas TV - what could be better?! I'm definitely blessed to have the family that I have and having been away from home for 3 months I most certainly appreciate them even more! Reason no. 97 :)


Reason no. 96...

Christmas is here!!! I do enjoy receiving presents and this year I got some pretty awesome ones. I got some DVDs, a game, earrings etc.! Plus, I got a communication cookbook - so I now feel well and truly like a speech and language therapist in the making! Happy Christmas everyone! Reason no. 96 :)


Reason no. 95...

Chinese takeaways - I absolutely love them! The food is great and it's now become a bit of a Christmas eve tradition. We join with my grandparents each year, sharing presents and ordering in a Chinese takeaway. Yum!! :) They've now moved nearer to us - meaning that we no longer spend an hour and a half travelling to them, rather less than half an hour! Their new house is so nice too and it's in a lovely little village :) I love Christmas eve and now just one day to go! Reason no. 95 :)

Reason no. 94...

I think it's amazing having people around you sharing their wisdom into your life. Last year on Impact training I had loads of people around me who did just that. One little thing that sticks with me is the idea that the worship music and theology are so closely linked. In church, the songs the worship band choose massively influence the theology of a church - more so than the talk itself. Why? Because songs stick in your head, they are what you end up singing week in and week out - unlike sermons! I'm grateful for song writers who write the wonderful biblical truths about God and the impact of that too! Reason no. 94 :)


Reason no. 93...

The weather outside is cold, dark and slightly miserable! I'm grateful for having a warm home, hot food and nice bed to relax in. It's so easy to take it for granted and have the view of it as our entitlement - I know as I'm well and truly guilty of it! Yet, the reality is that it is an extension of God's grace to us. Reason no. 93 :)

Reason no. 92...

So the Christmas build-up is growing in momentum! Just 2 days to go :) The nearer we get, the more facebook gets filled with Christmas-y stuff! One thing I like, is all the little videos people decide to post - one for this year is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NmS_s23TL1k&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Ffeature%3Dplayer_embedded%26v%3DNmS_s23TL1k&app=desktop : Santa vs Jesus! It's really clever and where I like poetry it's even better! Reason no. 92 :)

Reason no. 91...

Last week was lovely! I spent the week catching up with friends from back home and taking a day trip over to Horsham. It was great to share and find out what's been happening over the past 3 months! So blessed to have friends to come back home to! Reason no. 91 :) 


Reason no. 90...

Because I like quotes...
"True praise is choosing to step out of your circumstance and into a place of truth.” 
 Brian & Jenn Johnson
It's so easy to let our circumstances dictate our perception of God and our worship to Him. If we are in a season where everything in life is really good, it can be so easy to praise God. Yet, if we're put in a more challenging setting, it can be more of a struggle to come before God and praise Him. But the reality is that who God is has not changed. He remains the good, faithful and loving God. There's something powerful in praising God through the storm. When we declare truth of who God is over situations, strongholds are broken. It also takes us to a place where we praise God for who He is, rather than just what He's done. Reason no. 90 :)

Reason no. 89...

Being reminded of the BIGNESS of the universe and what that means for its Creator - it goes beyond understanding. He's far greater than what we will ever be able to comprehend. To think that God cares about me, a tiny dot on the planet, let alone within the galaxy and the universe - wow! To think that God hears our prayers and responds, when He's sustaining the entire universe - this is incredible! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpChZxPfa-c Reason no. 89 :)

Reason no. 88...

Yesterday was lovely! Being back in Ashford, with my family and my old church was so nice :) Being welcomed back and being surrounded by familiar faces is so refreshing. I joined my old youth group for their Christmas party in the evening. It's amazing to see how it's grown not only in size, but also how the people have changed too. One good day: Reason no. 88 :)

Reason no. 87...

This little 15 minute video is so worth a watch! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRi4VwcrYmA  So find a block of time, get rid of any distractions and just watch! Reason no. 87 :)


Reason no. 86...

God's been so good with my student finances! He's supplied all that I've needed this semester and I have not been in lack. Reason no.86 :)

Reason no. 85...

It's amazing that God uses us just as we are. He doesn't wait for us to be perfect or to have what we consider necessary for the role. He takes us with our weaknesses and He supplies what we lack. Reason no. 85 :)

Reason no. 84...

And, I'm home!!!! Yes! It's so nice to be back with my family, having my meals cooked for me and being able to do my washing without having to cross the halls of residence! I survived the journey and ended up having a friend on the same train all the way back to London. Reason no. 84 :)


Reason no. 83...

God is good. This semester I've been reminded of how God is able to do what I deem to be impossible. For me confidence has been a huge issue for years, especially whilst I was in sixth form. I'd be worried by what others thought of me - especially when I would speak. I'd be so scared a teacher would ask me a question in class that it would completely put me off from going. But this year and during my Impact year God has been reminding me of where my identity truly lies. He's reminded me of the secure position I hold as His daughter. Nothing that I do or say will change the way He thinks of me. God's been building my confidence up and reminding me of the amazing truth. Reason no. 83 :) 

Reason no. 82...

One afternoon this week I was so stressed and tired - just the little things about next year. Instead of bringing it straight to God I tried to 'sort' it by myself. Hours later I finally invited God into the situation. He shifted my perspective and peace came. God is faithful yet again! Reason no. 82 :)

Reason no. 81...

This week I've had a really chilled week as I decided to leave work until I get home and just go to my remaining lectures. That's meant that I've been able to enjoy my last week! I met up with a friend for a lovely hot chocolate and just spent a couple of hours chatting - so lovely :) I was able to spend an hour with the Christian Union and we gave out lots of Christmas cards to the people on the streets, which was fun! This week at Lifegroup we had a games and pudding evening too! Then yesterday evening it was 2 friends' birthdays and they organised a cocktail evening - such a good idea! I've definitely had a great week. Reason no. 81 :)


Reason no. 80...

I just found this quote I wrote a few weeks ago and thought it's packed with a lot of wisdom, so here it is:

 'Let my mind be so shifted, my heart so changed, that my default response when presented with a problem is: 
"Let's see what the Father will do." '

This is so challenging, but actually incredible. It can be so easy to try and fix problems in our own strength, but when we let God in - God gets the glory and something amazing happens! Reason no. 80 :)

Reason no. 79...

I found this poem I wrote last year: Thankfulness!

Open your eyes, look around!
Blessing upon blessing
abound in your life!
You're created, you're designed,
you're made with a purpose.
The King looks at you
and sees His perfect son.
You're forgiven, you're accepted,
you're adopted as His child.
He has made you His heir,
what a glorious inheritance awaits!
Your identity is in Him,
your old-self has been put to death.
Your sin is forgotten -
it is remembered no more.
 He has placed you here -
for such a time as this.
The Spirit lives in you -
what incredible power it has!
The King speaks hope and destiny -
directly into your life.
Promises spoken years ago
are now coming into fulfilment.
The King has not forgotten you,
He is ever so faithful to you.
He listens to every prayer
and answers it in His perfect way.
When you wake up in the morning -
let thankfulness arise!
He's sustains your every breath,
there's a roof over your head,
He provides food for your stomach,
there's clean water for use after use.
As you look in the mirror,
remind yourself of all that you are!
You are beautifully designed,
You are gifted and talented -
in your own unique way,
when He looks at you, He smiles!
As you look back through time -
count blessing after blessing.
He is so good, let thankfulness arise!

This is amazing as it reminds me of the journey God's taken me on from this poem to this blog! Reason no. 79 :)

Reason no. 78...

How amazing it is to be able to say: 'it is well with my soul'! It's such an incredible truth that I really should have no right to claim it. The fact that I now stand justified because of Jesus. The fact that He dealt with ALL my sin. The fact that I can now come into His presence. The fact that Jesus dealt with all my sin: past, present and future. The fact that that line stands true regardless of how I feel about my position before God. It's absolutely AMAZING!!! Reason no. 78 :)

Reason no. 77...

I love kids worship songs! They put a massive smile on my face and they put truth really simply. Today as I was walking down the road this song popped into my head: 'Follow You'. I discovered it as part of my Impact year, when I went on a kids weekend away. The lyrics are:

Hello, hello it’s me again
It’s me again
I know, I know when I call
You hear me
You hear me 
I love, I love to pray
‘Cause you hear what I’ve got to say 
But I never want to be someone that just talks and never listens to you
I want be the one that says that I’ll follow
Whoo- hoo- hoo!! I’m gonna follow you!
Every day, God 
Nothing, no nothing will ever separate me 
From your love today, God
Nothing no nothing will ever stop me from living for you.

I think this song is great! It reminds me that I can come before God just as I am. My prayers don't need to be eloquent or anything special, they can just be what's on my heart and what I want to talk to God about. God actually hears my prayers. He hears what I've got to say. The fact that God wants to talk to me is incredible! Plus, absolutely nothing can separate me from God's love. Truth after truth after truth: I love this song!! You definitely should give it a listen....hopefully this is a good version of it (sadly I haven't got any headphones with me and I'm sitting in a computer cluster, so can't actually listen to it!)!


Reason no. 76...

This afternoon I bumped into several people from church, which was so lovely! For me, it was a little reminder that I've been so blessed to settle so well into Manchester and have been blessed with meeting some really lovely people since being here! Reason no. 76 :) 

Reason no. 75...

Yesterday was the Reach Christmas meeting, which was great. One thing we did was gather in little groups and reflect on God's faithfulness over the year. It's so powerful to hear story after story of all that God's done and it definitely stirs faith for what is yet to come! The fact that God is the same God yesterday, today and tomorrow is incredible. It means that we can come with confidence that what God has done before, He'll not stop doing tomorrow. Reason no. 75 :)

Reason no. 74...

Today's tutorial was brilliant! We had to record our voice and see how it varied in pitch and frequency. At first it was really embarrassing, but by the end it was so funny! This was yet again a perfect little reminder that I'm on the right course :) It's also fascinating to think and actually see how unique each voice and how we speak differs from each person. Reason no. 74 :)

Reason no. 73...

One thing I enjoy about living close to the city centre is seeing it in the dark. I love the contrast of the lights shining into the darkness. It shatters it away and looks absolutely beautiful.  It acts as a little reminder of Light triumphing over darkness! Reason no. 73 :)


Reason no. 72...

I've managed to submit my final assignment  for semester 1...that means that I can now have a rather chilled out week and get ready for returning home on Saturday! Reason no. 72 :)

Reason no. 71...

Yesterday evening was great! The Christian Unions in Manchester had their Carol Concert, which was  so lovely :) Then it was the SLT Christmas party, which was definitely a lot of fun! It's now definitely starting to feel a lot more Christmas-y!! Reason no. 71 :)


Reason no. 70...

God's mercies are new EVERY morning!
Today is a new day and God's goodness, His grace, His favour, His love, His protection and His faithfulness have most certainly not run dry from yesterday. He's the God of abundance and today He's going to reveal it afresh yet again! Reason no. 70 :)

Reason no. 69...

This article is definitely worth a read. It's all about honour and what that actually looks like in our lives. It's about honouring ourselves and those around us, which ultimately brings honour to God. These truths are so good to remember, yet can be so easy to forget.
'When we are living out of our redeemed identities, we naturally honour God.'
'We embody God's infinite, wondrous creativity, a breathtaking exhibition of His wisdom and goodness....When we put ourselves down, we tell a lie which dishonours the One who made us.'
'...all people are made in the image of God, however distorted that image might appear; that we are each unique, irreplaceable and therefore inordinately valuable; and that, above all, we are wholly and dearly loved by God Himself – every one of us.'
What really challenged me though was that when we compare ourselves to other people 'we are actually responding disrespectfully to God and His passion for the people He created'. It's exciting to think that this culture of honour is the culture God designed for us to live in and how beautiful it will look when we begin to live in the fullness of it. Reason no. 69 :)


Reason no. 68...

This afternoon I went round my halls of residence with a few others advertising the Christian Union Carol Service. This was great! We gave out a few Christmas-y treats too! People's responses were so good and quite a few showed an interest too. Others simply appreciated the food, which was equally nice! One fun hour. Reason no. 68 :)

Reason no. 67...

I love having Wednesday's off! To be able to manage my own time across work and other bits and pieces has got to be one huge advantage of uni life. I'm so grateful! Reason no. 67 :)

Reason no. 66...

Absolutely love this version of 'How Great is Our God'! To see the nations coming together and united under the One God is exciting! Plus, I love languages! The lyrics of the song are so good too! These couple of lines are great: 'He wraps Himself in Light and darkness tries to hide, And trembles at His voice...' The power of God goes beyond understanding. The fact that darkness submits to Him and cannot hide is such an incredible joy! That means that fear, sin and shame crumble down when met with the King! Reason no. 66 :)


Reason no. 65...

Testimonies are soooo powerful! Yesterday, I heard a few incredible stories of what God did in someone's life and in their street. To see situations completely transformed - points to God again and again and again! From salvation, to healing, to seeing peace come in all as a result of love - it's amazing! And by the sounds of the story only God was the solution. The story I heard was huge, but ultimately the power of whatever testimony is exciting! If it points to God and demonstrates something of His goodness, His love or His grace, then surely we should get excited and praise God! Reason no. 65 :)

Reason no. 64...

This morning was great! I had a 3 hour session of audiology, but it was so helpful and actually kinda fun!! To be able to practice some of the hearing tests we'd learnt about and see how they worked in real life was really beneficial. The 4th year audiologists talked us through it all and were able to answer loads of questions. Having nearly forgot all about the session and thinking it was on an entirely different day - I'm so grateful I remembered and checked in time! Reason no. 64 :)


Reason no. 63...

Under 2 weeks until I head home for Christmas! Yippeeeeeee :) It's been a while, but I can't wait to go back and see my family and catch up with some friends. 1 semester is nearly out the way and looking back it's been a very very good start to the 4 years! The one thing I doubted the most was whether I was on the right course and now I've started it - I'm enjoying it! Reason no. 63 :)

Reason no. 62...

I think this might actually be the first poem I've written since being in Manchester! Reason no. 62 :)

Seasons come and seasons go,
But You never change.
The same God of all my yesterdays,
You remain the same today.
Your faithfulness and love,
cover over all my circumstances.
The struggles and frustrations,
they're completely known to You.
You care about the details,
You're the One who will break in.
My soul will choose today,
to praise You for who you are.
Regardless of what surrounds me,
who You are has not changed.
You are the firm foundation,
The One who's never shaken.
You are the faithful Father,
The One who never fails.
You are the Sovereign God,
nothing escapes your attention.
Let my heart choose today -
You the King of Kings.